rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

That will never happen, at least not when the PAP remains in power. Everyone knows the COE and ERP systems are cash cows for the PAP. Infact many even rightly postulate that the PAP use traffic jams as a convenient excuse to justify imposing these scams.

So it is small wonder that the PAP will ensure that traffic jams continue otherwise they have no excuse to implement these scams.

For that same reason you will also never see traffic jams being eased as long as the PAP remain in power.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system can like that?!! those who bought at 90k bang balls?
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Today is cooling period day.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

How? Refund every vehicle owners COE first?
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

It can only mean something more expensive is coming...
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

hoks said:
It can only mean something more expensive is coming...

Exactly !!!

Or heavy taxes on consumption, example $20 ERP per gantry and heavy petrol taxes.......
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Without COE everytime you pass by the ERP gantry your Credit card company will sms you to inform you of a huge transaction done......I think I will be investing in parking lots and not condo anymore....
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Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

zorro;820649 said:
Without COE everytime you pass by the ERP gantry your Credit card company will sms you to inform you of a huge transaction done......

Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

abolish coe? alto i wish really wish it's true but i can't stop LMFAO ...
coe brings in almost $2B income leh ... who dare kill the cow?
one can argue higher ERP can recover the $2B but wise man would want to collect $2B upfront instead of pay-per-use :D
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Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

wt_know;820652 said:
abolish coe? alto i wish really wish it's true but i can help LMFAO ...

i was taking a dump in a public toilet and i heard people talking about LTA abolishing COE.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Darth Vader;820638 said:
rumor going around that LTA may abolish COE system.

is it possible ?
Sound like Music to e ears, however it brings to mind that e COE system could be abolished when e island wide Satellite ERP system comes online.

Supposely e completion of 1st trial is 2015 and maybe 1 or 2 years after, for full implimentation.
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Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Were you visiting someone in Woodbridge hospital?

Darth Vader;820653 said:
i was taking a dump in a public toilet and i heard people talking about LTA abolishing COE.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

Darth Vader;820653 said:
i was taking a dump in a public toilet and i heard people talking about LTA abolishing COE.

Ah that explains the shitty idea.

All I heard is they're renaming it the "Screw You system," which sounds like "COE system" but describes it more accurately.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

They may start using GPS in-vehicle to track where you guys go... and charge accordingly.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

wobbles;820673 said:
They may start using GPS in-vehicle to track where you guys go... and charge accordingly.

Go hougang charge u more?
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

I heard LTA will abolish COE when a new transport minister takes helm.
He is Mr Tan, you can also call him by his first name - Gu Gu.
Re: rumor LTA gonna abolish COE system

if its true , than TarkKiu could be considering Beijing monthly "Lottery system" , but to cool down folks who juz fork out 90k coe,lottery winner still have to fork out fix amount of "COE" (based on different CC of cars they buying) win for garment (could counter inflation and still get the income )and normal sporean...but not the rich and foreigners
Beijing limits new vehicle registrations in 2011
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