Re: Safety when driving into JB/Malaysia
Hi Jase,
I drive in once to twice a week, either to pump petrol or head down to stay at Permas Jaya. By virtue of driving an SG car into JB, you're more or less a 'target' in a sense that some of the JB drivers do deliberately drive more aggressive towards you, although most of them are pretty OK and accomodating, unless you start lane hogging or cut across their path blindly.
If you're in for a quick fuel top-up, best thing is to go in, get to a petrol station (The one at Pelangi is quite frequently crowded and frequented by SG cars and you can take your pick from Shell, Esso or Caltex all in the same area) that is relatively bright and with alot of cars. Lock your doors while pumping. Essentially, quickly go in, head for the pump, finish up and haul ass back to SG.
If you wanna avoid car jacking, don't park your car too far off in dark places from where you eat/shop/drink kopi. If you can find proper parking with a guard / traffic 'director' - (For example, there's a nice indian guy outside a popular restaurant at Sentosa area who will guide you to parking lots and watch yr car while you eat), that's best. Never open windows/doors to people who stop you along the road asking for a lift.
Try to travel in groups and if you're really worried about safety, last resort you can always carry a baseball bat in yr front seat.