Satay meetup 11 july 08

Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

samson is a nice guy. i think. haha
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

jackie... 8pm? early birds eat all the satays.......... Adnsx, coming at 8pm????

8pm gang:
1. guni
2. hitmee
3. jackie

welcome samson minus !
Date: 11 July 08 (Friday)
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP (near to Kovan MRT station)

3.jaws ( must come..nv see chairman for a long time)
4.morphisis (tentatively ok..)
6. C3P0
7. Haikel
8. Wrxlady (that is if this time it remains to be on Fri)
9. Lostsoul
10. benji ben (will reach around 9.30pm) .
11. Samson-
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

actually ah, the - at the back is a dash, not a minus. LOL. and it doesn't symbolise anything, just find that my nick is too simple, so added a dash at the back.
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

guni took his name out from the 9pm slot and insert in the 8pm slot. gian free satays. haha :nehnehhh:

:lol2: :lol2:
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

pls la... 8 pm or 9pm don matter as long as those who wan to come turn up. anyways the 8 pm people are the people with IC who ordered them to go home early, so they will leave early. people like us hv to work. so cant come as early as them and go home as early as them
rite? hitmee?:nehnehhh:
thats why every time got satay session hitmee will auto put in his 8pm gang
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

benji ben;355813 said:
guni took his name out from the 9pm slot and insert in the 8pm slot. gian free satays. haha :nehnehhh:

:lol2: :lol2:

Me gain???? Me not FREE LOADER like you that always ask for FREE... :nehnehhh:

*** PLEASE see carefully...... From beginning of this thread i nvr insert my name.... It's auto insert by Robot and hitmee.......... PLEASE read before you post!!!!! Dun post blindly in every thread...... :furious:
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

lexibabe;355856 said:
100? tink collin cannot leave the fire alr
aiya plus my 150 only 250, collin use 2 fingers can pian liao....
he can even use his leg pian, one hand HP, one hand chicken wings, asshole blow charcoal...
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

jackie... 8pm? early birds eat all the satays.......... Adnsx, coming at 8pm????

8pm gang:
1. guni
2. hitmee
3. jackie
4. morphisis (tentatively ok..)

welcome samson minus !
Date: 11 July 08 (Friday)
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP (near to Kovan MRT station)

3.jaws ( must come..nv see chairman for a long time)
6. C3P0
7. Haikel
8. Wrxlady (that is if this time it remains to be on Fri)
9. Lostsoul
10. benji ben (will reach around 9.30pm) .
11. Samson-
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

lexibabe;355854 said:
pls la... 8 pm or 9pm don matter as long as those who wan to come turn up. anyways the 8 pm people are the people with IC who ordered them to go home early, so they will leave early. people like us hv to work. so cant come as early as them and go home as early as them
rite? hitmee?:nehnehhh:
thats why every time got satay session hitmee will auto put in his 8pm gang

NRIC?? what is ur number?

8pm gang sacrifice themselves to go chop tables.
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

collin;355797 said:
Got a Call Today. 1 More BIG SPONSOR. 100 sticks of satay. Yahoo.

My guess........... Snoopy or hitmee.......... :thinking: :thinking:
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

wont be around...

let me know if need sponsor.
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

hitmee;356018 said:
not me. i poor......
i go eats jacky's
bro pls hor, u and me only can be good bro, other relationship like eat mine, pls call PHIL..

pilotsnoopy;356092 said:
wont be around...

let me know if need sponsor.
yes , collect ur bill from collin.
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

the satays jacky's bought very sweet one.
i will lick every stick clean
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

hitmee;356218 said:
the satays jacky's bought very sweet one.
i will lick every stick clean

Nbz.......... damn disgusting.......... :nehnehhh:
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

did i say especially the tip?

mai OT lah

guni copy and paste back the name list. thanks
Re: Satay meetup 11 july 08

jackie... 8pm? early birds eat all the satays.......... Adnsx, coming at 8pm????

8pm gang:
1. guni
2. hitmee
3. jackie
4. morphisis (tentatively ok..)

welcome samson minus !
Date: 11 July 08 (Friday)
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP (near to Kovan MRT station)

3.jaws ( must come..nv see chairman for a long time)
6. C3P0
7. Haikel
8. Wrxlady (that is if this time it remains to be on Fri)
9. Lostsoul
10. benji ben (will reach around 9.30pm) .
11. Samson-

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