Summary so far...
There are many issues that need to be addressed including
1. Price of car and reliability if used
2. OMV
3. Financing
We need to work together if this is going to succeed in a big way. Those who have done so please advice if possible...
At the very least, understanding the costs involved will allow us to determine if we want to bring in by ourselves or just buy from AD/PI/used dealer. At least we enter with our eyes open.
The following people have at least shown some interest (correct me if I'm wrong & please add if interested)
1. DRV
2. Blechberu
3. Darth Vader
4. Mixmaster
5. DriveAllDay
6. Jason3S
7. vngooi
We can form an entity or even company to work on this for our and other bros' benefit. I'll be happy to chip in my time and set up a discussion group to meet in person.
Please PM me to indicate what time frame you are looking for the car and how much time / effort you wish to put into this. For eg. I'm willing to put 2-3 months time and to fly to Japan / UK etc. for holiday + car shopping. It's a learning experience for me, even if at the end decide to buy from dealer in S'pore.
Will be nice if the story goes like this...
Singapore Beng walks into BMW head office in Munich.
Sales Exec: Vat do you vant?
S'pore beng: BMW car lah, if not come BMW showroom for what?
Sales Exec: Vhich model? Zee cars are expensive. Maybe 320i for you?
S'pore beng: Eh, here got list of 20 cars for my brudders. Eh, 5 x 335, 5 x 650, 5 x M3, 5 x M5. Got stock? Lim Peh pay cash...
Sales Exec (talks to manager): Vow, in zhat case zve give 10% discount... bring more brudders next time.
S'pore beng goes back with 20 BMWs in tow with 10% discount, lower OMV and taxes, and all brudders happy