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selling 520 & bid number


How much $ would be sufficient to secure plate number 666 or 6666?

I have a june 2003 520 executive that i would like to sell. What would be a fair asking price? Silver and mileage 61,000. Only go to PML. Just want a fair price as the dealers are giving about 118k. Is this a fair deal, considering i bought at 190+, cant be lose so much??

Thank you.
For a 1.5 years old car your mileage is on the high side.
Last Sep when I was looking around, one Jun2003 ex model(mileage about 45000km) was going at around $138K. The new car can be had in the region of 185K or even less.
If you can sell direct to a willing buyer, you will get the best price.
...confirm ur car 1.5 yrs old, 61,000km? 16,000 or 6100?
Re: selling 520 & bid number

tumtum said:
How much $ would be sufficient to secure plate number 666 or 6666?

I have a june 2003 520 executive that i would like to sell. What would be a fair asking price? Silver and mileage 61,000. Only go to PML. Just want a fair price as the dealers are giving about 118k. Is this a fair deal, considering i bought at 190+, cant be lose so much??

Thank you.
tumtum, 118k is definately on the low side. Got to factor in the 1st yr instalments basically is to cover the interest of the loan, your paper value, condition of the car, ownership etc comes into play too. If your mileage is really at 61k for a 11/2 yrs old car, thats really on the high side, not easy at all for any dealers to sell if they take in. Direct seller may fetch a better price.

I've the same ride as yours but a 03/7 car. M asking for a quote too. If don't lose too much, I'll let go. If not LL got to carry on driving.

As for the number plate, Alvin666 will be the best person to ask.

Good luck on your sale.
Er..... As for 666 I paid for either $3k or $5k cos i owned quite a few numbers b4 so mixed up the price i paid. Rest assured tat is not more than $5k, hehe... :)
i was quotes $100K for my july 520i exe with 36K km... i thought it was ridiculous. i might as well scrap the car and take the paper. imagine, scrapping a 1 1/2 year old car. the dealer must've thought i was real stupid
Teckie said:
i was quotes $100K for my july 520i exe with 36K km... i thought it was ridiculous. i might as well scrap the car and take the paper. imagine, scrapping a 1 1/2 year old car. the dealer must've thought i was real stupid
Bro, long time no see. Btw yours is a 03 car? Mine mileage is 20+k km.
hi... yea 03 car, bz at work la. 20K + not bad... i hit 36K becos this became the sole car in the family for a period of abt 6 months. it's about to change though... and phew, my baby will not be taxed so much...
Teckie said:
hi... yea 03 car, bz at work la. 20K + not bad... i hit 36K becos this became the sole car in the family for a period of abt 6 months. it's about to change though... and phew, my baby will not be taxed so much...
Can't agree more on the tax man! About that dealer who offered to take your car in at 100k, ask him go sleep with snake, must be a hong fella! :screwedu: tumtums ride worth 118k, guess they'll mark-up to 120+k, you can use that as a benchmark to start with.
Re: selling 520 & bid number

tumtum said:
How much $ would be sufficient to secure plate number 666 or 6666?

I have a june 2003 520 executive that i would like to sell. What would be a fair asking price? Silver and mileage 61,000. Only go to PML. Just want a fair price as the dealers are giving about 118k. Is this a fair deal, considering i bought at 190+, cant be lose so much??

Thank you.

well the dep shoud be abt 11k if you are selling your self, dealer should offer abt 9-10k depending if you buy a car from them. best bet is to trade in then you counter offer with low prices if they offer you ridculous prices. cheers.
Teckie said:
i was quotes $100K for my july 520i exe with 36K km... i thought it was ridiculous. i might as well scrap the car and take the paper. imagine, scrapping a 1 1/2 year old car. the dealer must've thought i was real stupid[/quote

Some actually think we are stupid for my car one chap offered me 103k parf+body last year, my scrap alone was abt 110K at that time, i was actually looking at his e60 530 13 mth old so i offered him 175 for his car,he 'protested' saying that the export price was close to 200k. So i told him i offered him 25k below just like he offered me 25k below the scrap value, thats when he realised we not so stupid and started to explain a lot of crap abt how they were offered that price by another dealer and how they cant sell my car and how his car was very sellable etc. btw my lowest offer was 128k at that time w/o trade in.
Re: selling 520 & bid number

tumtum said:
How much $ would be sufficient to secure plate number 666 or 6666?

I have a june 2003 520 executive that i would like to sell. What would be a fair asking price? Silver and mileage 61,000. Only go to PML. Just want a fair price as the dealers are giving about 118k. Is this a fair deal, considering i bought at 190+, cant be lose so much??

Thank you.

Bro, u shd consider selling on your own and let all the car dealers and exporters come to u. I have always gotten a much better deal selling on my own. I don't think there is much of a hassle in your case given your car is 1-owner and Exec model. Only factor against u is the high mileage but if it has been due to N-S driving and not city-driving, buyer shdn't mind that much.

sell it yourself.........

i had sold 6 of my own cars and 9 bikes myself through strait times classified. just call the toll free number........

it cost about $32 +/-........feel free to call me @97655221 or PM me. i can help you in etc. tranfers ownership, loan, insurance.....

BTW i m not car dealer but automobiles lover.
Re: yourself...........

34 said:
sell it yourself.........

i had sold 6 of my own cars and 9 bikes myself through strait times classified. just call the toll free number........

it cost about $32 +/-........feel free to call me @97655221 or PM me. i can help you in etc. tranfers ownership, loan, insurance.....

BTW i m not car dealer but automobiles lover.

Same here usually I will try advertise and then let go to the highest offer. be it dealer or owners(of course I prfer to sell to owner so I knows who is taking care of my baby.)

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