Servicing at PML Under Warranty


Active Member
My 2.5 year old car is due for an oil service about now, and I've been toying with the idea of bringing it to an independent workshop for the job, mainly for reasons of cost. But I was advised (by a PML sales rep) to service the car at PML, since they can also do a thorough check on the car at the same time and rectify any defective bits they find before the warranty runs out.

I got my car used, so I've never dealt with the PML workshop before. I'd like to know how much of what the sales rep said that I can take at face value, i.e. is their checking really thorough?

Apart from this, I've got some warranty issues with the car that I'd like them to look at anyway, so if I do the servicing elsewhere, I would still need to bring the car in to PML. Would the outside service void the warranty?

Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks. :)
Re: Servicing at PML Under Warranty

Since you have warranty issues, might as well bring it in and let them take a look. Their servicing charges are high primarily because their labour rates are high. If you're doing the Inspection I or II, the labour charges are around 200-300, and parts another 100-200. If other things like brake pads, etc needs to be changed, you don't have to get them to do it. But make your intentions known before you send the car in.

Did the previous owner have a service record with PML?
Re: Servicing at PML Under Warranty

Agree with Emiffy. Let PML do the standard service and resolve/replace all the warranty issues - noise, seat noisy, aircon vent adjustor broken... (make sure you make your list now before it expires)

During their inspection, PML may find some parts worn out or spoilt (not covered by warranty) and call you to tell you that it needs to be fixed. Just take note of it and tell them not to proceed with repair. After the servicing, you can then take your ride to outside workshop to have it fixed without being charged an arm n leg for labour.
Re: Servicing at PML Under Warranty

Thanks guys, I'll go back to PML then.
From the service record booklet, the car has so far only been serviced at PML.

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