Sime Darby losing M division

Re: Sime Darby losing M division

hahaha... here is an M experience...

Just got cold called by PML offering me an hours free test drive of their M3 next week

it must be hurting!! I will be asking about after sales service for sure
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

oh that car! i heard the buyers check bounced...its for sale again. the silverstone manual...that is.
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

is the launch mode the same in the e92 as it is in the e46? hehehe

best not end up like that mazda though... dunna wanna be on stomp
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

MW;432738 said:
I get treated better buying a $200+k 730iL than if I were to buy a $300+k M3 or $400+k M5.

True, farking 730i owners get treated better than me in my pathetic 650i.....
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

ACS6;433151 said:
True, farking 730i owners get treated better than me in my pathetic 650i.....

careful there...many 730 owners. u dun want to offend them.
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

totoseow;433156 said:
careful there...many 730 owners. u dun want to offend them.

Yeah! :shakebon:
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

They should created a new customer after-sales programme just for M buyers. That would make it more exclusive to own one and ultimately, it'd save their rights to sell the M cars officially! :woottt:
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

From a business bottomline perspective, selling just M cars is not viable. Hence, either Anthony Chan is gaining an initial foothold in order to impress BMW, and thereafter wrest (or just get a license from BMW, doesn't have to be the sole distributor) for all BMW models, or he must really be so passionate a car nut ... and a BMW one for that matter. Frankly, I think its quite brave of him to sink in all that money for showroom, maintenance, sales staff ... the whole lot just to sell M cars, with no overall business strategy in mind.

So if its for real, lets hope he's into it for the long haul .....
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

Perhaps there is more in it than selling cars. If you check out some of the tuners in the UK, they are really building a strong business around after market parts, accessories etc. and building an amateur racing series around the marque. (see Thorney CSL cup).

BMW are also finally recognizing that there are a lot of passionate owners out there willing to do upgrades beyond ticking a few boxes on a factory spec sheet. The BMW Performance range is a testament to this.

Owning an M, and running it hard naturally generates a need for maintenance. Combining the two and running a cup series in asia, like that of the Porsche marque, may just fly as a business model
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

Chan's sister bought my E70 X5 4.8 as a present for her Doctor hubby. Best part....she paid cash!!!
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

totoseow;433156 said:
careful there...many 730 owners. u dun want to offend them.

Don't give a flying-f abt them. C'mon, I mean, no offence to 730 owners, it's a decent ride, but giving 7er owners premium service over models that cost way more SOUNDS FRIGGIN RIDICULOUS. It should be a no-brainer.
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

geylang 40 bucks thai also better than 100 bucks PRC street walkers....
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

ACS6;433151 said:
True, farking 730i owners get treated better than me in my pathetic 650i.....

if im PML... 650 buyers i give them free SE of the buyer's choice for 3 days 3 nights....
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

First take away their M division, and the slowly... let the power shift begin... next will be the 3 series...5 series...6 series...7 series...Z LOL
Re: Sime Darby losing M division

Terry;435070 said:
i get treated better in KTV than you....coz i cuter

offended boh? :evil:

Why would I be offended bro?

You get treated better because you go there so often, I only go there once in a blue moon. But when I go, I will spend more than you! So what is the big freaking deal if I spend more? They rather people like you who goes often. That is life and do not take a smart man to understand! :yummie:

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