Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

33;172193 said:
CBS, your car boot quite messy....:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

KNN, laugh at me... Careful your backside...
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Nice one chickenbackside!

I did a detailing and paint restoration session at Spa For Cars last Nov and haven't looked back since... these guys sayang cars more than some car owners do :thumbsup:

For those who asked about price lists, I'd recommend you make the trip down and have a chat with the good folks there.
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Great stuff CBS!

Yes, that is the amount of time required to do a good job.

After having sent my car there a few times for the car wash, I sent my car in last Nov for a full detailing - wash, sealant and paint restoration package. No it didnt take quite as long but the car was practically there for the entire working day 9 - 7pm and the results are definately worth every cent.

Jerman or Roy will also thoroughly go thru with you how to take care of your car after that - and mind you it does take a lot of care and patience to do that shampooing in one motion, dab drying, etc.--very disciplined routine. I even bought the young lamb wool mitt they recommended to use... nice feeling to slip your hand inside the soft wool and gently wash the car...:) But I am getting lazy so I'd rather send my car in for a professional job....

So guys, book early to avoid disapointment....
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

they really do go the extra mile for ur car, frm day one till now.. everytime my car goes in for grooming.. 930am... collect only at 2am.. the last one stretched close to 3... really.. comes to a point where u dun feel like driving out the car.. cause it's just sooo perfect...
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

now you've changed.... ur heart goes for another.. everytime u bring this up .. the thought... the thought of him makes my heart sink!!!.....
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Me changed? All I've done is to bring home the bread. You and your imagination have just gone wild with all that free time in your hands. I should stop giving you so much money and make you go back to work instead buying Gucci and Prada everyday...

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. If I need to work late, it doesn't mean I'm with some other woman... You are turning out to be like a mother...

Stop your nonsense before I take away all your credit cards!
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

oh yea???.. u work late??... what were u doing with him last couple nights ago!!... i saw it with my very own eyes... all i do is wait for you to call... the nights i stay up till wee hours, the times i wait and pray u call.. ask to dinner.. but then again.. you've got another who can fufil that part of ur life better than me..
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

That day after I went to their brother shop, Juzz for Cars, I drove by Spa for Cars but they were closed leh. It was Saturday...haigh !
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

chickenbackside;172203 said:
Nope. 3AM is correct. I went back at around 8pm to watch. Stayed there til 3AM. Plenty of paint restoration work.....

Yup they take a long time to careful clean and wash your car. I really wished they were at the Telok Kurau location but no space there.
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

yeah...there are really careful and take good care of ur car... it took them 2 days just to do my car..and it was PERFECT....:cloud9:
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

I had an express car wash after CBS yesterday because i was rushing for futsal.

It took them abt 20 mins and 3 person to wash my car.
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Ahbengdriver;172234 said:
That day after I went to their brother shop, Juzz for Cars, I drove by Spa for Cars but they were closed leh. It was Saturday...haigh !


We are only neighbouring shop with SFC nia lah. We, at Juzz For Cars do have our own Grooming Services, namely Juzz Brilliant, who is ah-ha... really our brother shop. Don't get it sala liao hor... ;P

Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

No wonder Barney always looked so happy, he's given a blow job while taking his bath.. so envy sial.
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

Quote"No wonder Barney always looked so happy, he's given a blow job while taking his bath.. so envy sial" Unquote

Jawzsg, tat's a good one. U r more than one-up!:lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

shaaz;172218 said:
now you've changed.... ur heart goes for another.. everytime u bring this up .. the thought... the thought of him makes my heart sink!!!.....

chickenbackside;172220 said:
Me changed? All I've done is to bring home the bread. You and your imagination have just gone wild with all that free time in your hands. I should stop giving you so much money and make you go back to work instead buying Gucci and Prada everyday...

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. If I need to work late, it doesn't mean I'm with some other woman... You are turning out to be like a mother...

Stop your nonsense before I take away all your credit cards!

shaaz;172222 said:
oh yea???.. u work late??... what were u doing with him last couple nights ago!!... i saw it with my very own eyes... all i do is wait for you to call... the nights i stay up till wee hours, the times i wait and pray u call.. ask to dinner.. but then again.. you've got another who can fufil that part of ur life better than me..

chickenbackside;172229 said:
Wah lau, don't make spoil my image lah. It's not good enough that I'm "happy", now you gotta make me out to be a "promiscuous" "happy" person?

:lol2: No shit man... this is serious!!
Re: Spa For Cars Wash Process *MANY PICS*

chickenbackside;172511 said:
No need to be envious! You want also can what... You can even blow your car yourself...

Wah lau.. cannot lah.. ASA don't have blower for me model lah...kekekeekke.:nehnehhh:

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