Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

dpointt;933621 said:
Not only we rival Las Vegas in the casino business, SINGAPORE is the new SIN-CITY in the east!

we are oppressed in more ways than we realized thus the revelations are scandalous
in pristine pure-on-the-surface sillypore
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

C3P0;933442 said:
Principal, female teachers, MPs, SCDF Chief, CNB director, movie director (yeh I bet most forget about Jack Neo)....

Who is the next unlucky one?
There's a Big Difference.
JN is just another figure in the private sector, however all others are in the Public Sector.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

wt_know;933430 said:
is PA really neutral and has no affiliation with 'any' political party?
I strongly believe PA definitely has super clue affiliation with PAP (for now, PAP only).... the closeness was recently proven by M.P.L.O. LMFAO!
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Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Baby1M;933696 said:
There's a Big Difference.
JN is just another figure in the private sector, however all others are in the Public Sector.
Heng ah, wobbles and Hitmee are in private sector....
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

C3P0;933704 said:
Heng ah, wobbles and Hitmee are in private sector....

Chao turban Brobot hehehe - at least I wasn't caught piaking pre-assembly USB ports ...
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Amazing on the way the two stories were placed side by side.......

We are immoral, no, sorry, Laura Ong is.....

BUT you are doing a farked-up job in opposition wards !!!
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

strategic placement of editorial content and subtle agenda setting in motion .... typical of Singapore newspapers.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

newspaper is the thing i used to line my doggy pee trays... srsly who reads those things anymore besides looking at the latest best denki / condo ads?
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

I used to like reading Saturday's papers coz full of news and other leisure reading stuff..but nowdays, Saturday papers every page is Condo, Furniture, Interior Design, Electronics sales advertisements taking up 1/2 to 3/4 of the page and the news is squeezed to a small corner.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

SPH better milk the papers while they can.. its a sunsetting biz.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

MW;934189 said:
I used to like reading Saturday's papers coz full of news and other leisure reading stuff..but nowdays, Saturday papers every page is Condo, Furniture, Interior Design, Electronics sales advertisements taking up 1/2 to 3/4 of the page and the news is squeezed to a small corner.

more paper for doggy to pee on. very good value for $
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Lee yiu juay juay...................................
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

affairs are no big deal ... ho say liao !!! huat ah !!!
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

PAP chairman has something to tell Singaporeans:

Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for National Development encouraged Singaporeans to support local fish farms by buying fish that are reared here.

Oh wait he STILL has nothing to say about the Palmer affair :sleepy:
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

I heard he said local mangoes sweeter also. But must be grown in Punggol East one, Punggol West one not so sweet.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Here we go fellas - a shoo-in for the by-election!

Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

Sin? What Sin? The PAP does it. The WP does it. And both are supposed to be role models.

So no Sin. Only Singapore.
Re: Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer resigns over 'grave mistake'

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