Squeaky brakes

Re: Squeaky brakes

Heard from someone that after changing rim starts to squeak. Don't know how true. But I also have similar issue on day 1. PML solved it 1 time. Mine was last year batch F20.
Re: Squeaky brakes

kardtoon;817760 said:
While, this can be true, why is it that it is so prevalent on the 1 series? I'm not new to cars and driving habits don't change drastically. It's not on my previous Lexus. It's not on my current 523i. Just on my 116i. Isn't it possible that there is a design issue or part quality issue with 1 series?

Let me go check on the 5 series owners forum and see if anyone complains about the same.

My best guess as to why it is so prevalent in the new 1 series is because the pad material and/or rotor was changed from previous models. The engineers were probably trying to achieve better bite and feel at the cost of squeaks in frequent city driving for the new 1 series.

I can confirm that the squeak happens on F10, E60 and E92 because I have all three. All three squeaks if they are driven in granny mode. The squeak goes away after spirited driving or with the bed in procedure in the link provided. F10 and E60 are on stock brakes and pads. E92 are on the BMW performance brakes with aftermarket rotors and pads. The e92 squeak is less severe with stock brakes (before i changed them) but more pronounced with the current set-up.

I have a friend with a previous generation 118 as well who has the same problem and the advice provided solved the problem.

As for Lexus, I had a lexus some time ago GS model and it squeaks as well just that the squeak is very very mild.

Further it is not a matter of driving habits at all but rather what the engineers tried to achieve with the brakes. Most cars are designed for a mix of city (start-stop) and highway driving (with high speed braking). Singapore (in my opinion) is effectively perpetual start-stop. Our highways seldom provide the opportunity for high speed braking. Therefore, the brakes have a greater tendency to squeal in Singapore.

PS I am no engineer but an enthusiast who was super irritated by the squeals so I did my research both online and off.
PS your F10 523 may not have the problem because u may tend to brake sharply/hard. In any case the squeal for F10 is rather mild from the cabin.

Oh yes one other thing i have noticed is that the squeal is generally more pronounced and returns more rapidly if (1) the driver brakes gently; and (2) driver taps the brakes often (gently). The technical reason for this is because the pad material transfer on the rotor is "rubbed off" unevenly thus causing the assembly to vibrate and squeal.

Hope my post helps:)
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