Strawberry also tiak tiak

Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

MW;793474 said:
If I remember correctly, he usually shouts "ai ker MBS mai?"

That was the past.... Now whenever he pass by little india,he will wind down windows and shout AI LO CHIA MAI... SSzone saw him perform before...
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

sherman0888;793485 said:
That was the past.... Now whenever he pass by little india,he will wind down windows and shout AI LO CHIA MAI... SSzone saw him perform before...

Botay our hero....see him hot when the uncle diss Sherman and added a ”LAN j***" just as we were winding up the window......then part 2 lai Liao...rear window wind down "ai lo chia mai" x at least 2 times.....uncle balls shrink and slow down Liao....haha

Somehow I can't help I in that movie "the hangover" when I am hanging out with this 2 dear bros of mine? Hahaha
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

golilok;793436 said:
Hey bro wobbles what about the drive feel compared to your NA?
The feel.... Not the sound....

Hi bro golilok,

OK, I'm no where near as able to put up those fantastic comparison charts that you've done, so I'll try to (inadequately) describe the feel as follows:

F02 730Li N52B30
The car starts up with a purr, and keeps purring away the whole time. Hardly ANY vibration is felt from the engine at idle - and even less is felt at speed, so anyone looking for a quick orgasm will be sorely disappointed. What you will get however, is a creamy smooth, almost whisper quiet, delivery of linear acceleration, devoid of any tension or drama whatsoever, whenever the right pedal is depressed.

The "kick" if I may call it, comes when you glance down at the speedometer (sorry, my F02 doesn't have HUD) and recoil in a mix of genuine fright and sinful surprise at the position of the needle - 130km/h is breached easier than a Desker Road street worker's aperture, and licence-killing speeds of 150km/h and above are easily recorded without so much as a hair out of place.

The N52B30 may not have the low end torque of its newer turbocharged siblings, but - I've said it before and I'll say it again - what it lacks in low end twist and raw hoof-stamping ponies, it more than makes up for the elegant, classy way that torque (all 300Nm) of it and horsepower (258hp) is delivered: smoothly, sweetly and packed in a strawberry-coloured pink ribbon.

F13 640i N55B30
Now this is a totally different kettle of fish altogether. If the 730Li N52B30 is the gentle flowing of a clear spring brook over a series of cascading pebbles – the 640i in N55B30 guise is the crashing of a thousand tonnes of water per minute over the edge of the Victoria Falls.

It barks to life and settles down to an angry idle. It dispenses with the pretence of courtesy and plants its Twinpower Turbo fan squarely in your face.

This engine pulls like a fcuking freight train in a hurry and a half. Forget about what possible tiak-tiak sounds that may emanate from under the bonnet. You just worry about the rasping sounds of joy that may escape from your gullet as you stamp down on the accelerator and take off like Wiley E Coyote with a Chinese Firecracker shoved up his bottom.

This engine brings the HAMMER to "sledge", the BOMB to "atomic" and the girls to a Sar Lau orgy. Geesus, if ever there was a good reason to lose my licence, please let me lose it with my right foot mashed to the pedal of the F13, barrelling down 40 Tiang like there's no tomorrow.

At full throttle, the shove is visceral, the pure speed is guttural – almost violent, and the urgency in which the tachometer & speedometer needles climb up the scale is phenomenal.

It feels wicked fast. You know you're on your way to 130km/h, then 150km/h, but that's not the scary bit.

The scary bit is, despite knowing it's a multiple-demerit-point adventure, you still want the car to go faster. And it will. It doesn't feel like it's ever gonna run out of steam. You'd sooner run out of road, or out of testicular fortitude.

The N55 is brash, loud and rude. It barks like a Rottweiler and hisses like a Siamese. It's rough on idle, and unabashedly coarse when you floor it. Compared to the aristocratic, refined and cultured pedigree of the N52, the N55 is the nouveau riche clad in bling and speaking at the top of his voice in PuTongHua.

And, demerit points be damned, I can't help myself but love it.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

Bro steven, it's true. It's coarse & unrefined, but it's SUCH a different beast compared to the N52. Having driven both, I can appreciate the difference in character of the engines - and both engines are lovely in their own right.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

wobbles;793634 said:
Bro steven, it's true. It's coarse & unrefined, but it's SUCH a different beast compared to the N52. Having driven both, I can appreciate the difference in character of the engines - and both engines are lovely in their own right.

agree.....i sit in M3, it sounds n feels like a beast

i sit in Sherman's M7, he floor.......its a refined powerful acceleration, almost the F02 u described.....both also uses V8 engine but tuned differently
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

Clap clap clap.brilliant write up wobble!
Hey u can write car magazine.

I dun find it lor sor, surprisingly. Loving it in fact!
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

jonleeck;793641 said:
Clap clap clap.brilliant write up wobble!
Hey u can write car magazine.

I dun find it lor sor, surprisingly. Loving it in fact!

Wah, thank you thank you. Appreciate the kind comments. Usually I get fcuked by ppl like hitmee and MW who have short attention spans, whenever I try writing anything longer than a sentence.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

Oh,ya! Hitmee and guni is my early year shifu!
I learn to type 1 sentence to clock post! Very useful!
Mw lag sart,his 1 liner is the most powerful,machiam punch line.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

Oh by the way,can go check milk!he dun talk a lot. His reply is like money.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

F02, F13, F10, F20, F30 .... coming F80 (M3) ... all fking good ... i say one :D

steve9733;793700 said:
wow wobbles, i love your essay !! steam...
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

wobbles, its wobbly good!
i guess u have the best of both worlds, driving a coupe with that gist, cruising a sedan with that ease.
what i will miss eventually is the nonturbos 6cyc which seems to be gradually dying off...
wobbles;793629 said:
Hi bro golilok,

OK, I'm no where near as able to put up those fantastic comparison charts that you've done, so I'll try to (inadequately) describe the feel as follows:

F02 730Li N52B30
The car starts up with a purr, and keeps purring away the whole time. Hardly ANY vibration is felt from the engine at idle - and even less is felt at speed, so anyone looking for a quick orgasm will be sorely disappointed. What you will get however, is a creamy smooth, almost whisper quiet, delivery of linear acceleration, devoid of any tension or drama whatsoever, whenever the right pedal is depressed.

The "kick" if I may call it, comes when you glance down at the speedometer (sorry, my F02 doesn't have HUD) and recoil in a mix of genuine fright and sinful surprise at the position of the needle - 130km/h is breached easier than a Desker Road street worker's aperture, and licence-killing speeds of 150km/h and above are easily recorded without so much as a hair out of place.

The N52B30 may not have the low end torque of its newer turbocharged siblings, but - I've said it before and I'll say it again - what it lacks in low end twist and raw hoof-stamping ponies, it more than makes up for the elegant, classy way that torque (all 300Nm) of it and horsepower (258hp) is delivered: smoothly, sweetly and packed in a strawberry-coloured pink ribbon.

F13 640i N55B30
Now this is a totally different kettle of fish altogether. If the 730Li N52B30 is the gentle flowing of a clear spring brook over a series of cascading pebbles – the 640i in N55B30 guise is the crashing of a thousand tonnes of water per minute over the edge of the Victoria Falls.

It barks to life and settles down to an angry idle. It dispenses with the pretence of courtesy and plants its Twinpower Turbo fan squarely in your face.

This engine pulls like a fcuking freight train in a hurry and a half. Forget about what possible tiak-tiak sounds that may emanate from under the bonnet. You just worry about the rasping sounds of joy that may escape from your gullet as you stamp down on the accelerator and take off like Wiley E Coyote with a Chinese Firecracker shoved up his bottom.

This engine brings the HAMMER to "sledge", the BOMB to "atomic" and the girls to a Sar Lau orgy. Geesus, if ever there was a good reason to lose my licence, please let me lose it with my right foot mashed to the pedal of the F13, barrelling down 40 Tiang like there's no tomorrow.

At full throttle, the shove is visceral, the pure speed is guttural – almost violent, and the urgency in which the tachometer & speedometer needles climb up the scale is phenomenal.

It feels wicked fast. You know you're on your way to 130km/h, then 150km/h, but that's not the scary bit.

The scary bit is, despite knowing it's a multiple-demerit-point adventure, you still want the car to go faster. And it will. It doesn't feel like it's ever gonna run out of steam. You'd sooner run out of road, or out of testicular fortitude.

The N55 is brash, loud and rude. It barks like a Rottweiler and hisses like a Siamese. It's rough on idle, and unabashedly coarse when you floor it. Compared to the aristocratic, refined and cultured pedigree of the N52, the N55 is the nouveau riche clad in bling and speaking at the top of his voice in PuTongHua.

And, demerit points be damned, I can't help myself but love it.

Bro wobbles, as usual, your review is simply poetry in motion. **clap clap**

However, if u are referring to the courtesy car 523i n52 u are driving... it should be 204 bhp and 250nm torque.
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

golilok;793782 said:
wobbles, its wobbly good!
i guess u have the best of both worlds, driving a coupe with that gist, cruising a sedan with that ease.
what i will miss eventually is the nonturbos 6cyc which seems to be gradually dying off...

Thanks bro golilok. That's why I intend to drive the F02 until I scrap it - the N52 is really too good an engine to forget. That, and the scarily high COE prices now...
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

st8800;793788 said:
Bro wobbles, as usual, your review is simply poetry in motion. **clap clap**

However, if u are referring to the courtesy car 523i n52 u are driving... it should be 204 bhp and 250nm torque.

Thanks thanks bro ST, but I promised bro golilok a comparison between the two 3 Litre engines - the F02's N52B30 vs the F13's N55 - most of what I said concerning the N52B30 is of course applicable to the venerable 523i strawberry N52B25 too :)
Re: Strawberry also tiak tiak

1MinuteMan;793626 said:
Sorry for this non-off topic post. :)

Some useful info here:

There is actually an even later service bulletin:

Yup, kind of an expensive job?

I use thicker oil (w50) to quieten the noise. Now about 25% of cold starts have the noise and after 10-15mins, noise would be gone. The noise cam after about 90,000km; now car is 120,000km.

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