swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

nice meh? looks like normal breytons to me....
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

deeper lips la.....if u like swollen lips one lor...ahaha....got other designs la....subjected to taste.... :)
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

Pain in the a** to clean....................
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

ya boz.... i agree... cleaning is always a pain.....especially these kind of designs...

deep lips i also have la.... cheh
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

ya la...true...damn pain in the ass to clean la.....sian....but nice le....deep lips u have ah....wa shiok ah..... chrome one or red ones?? :) :)
aiyah...can only dream la...damn expensive...Wilson quote me liao...wa lau....
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

Nutty Professor said:
ya la...true...damn pain in the ass to clean la.....sian....but nice le....deep lips u have ah....wa shiok ah..... chrome one or red ones?? :) :)
aiyah...can only dream la...damn expensive...Wilson quote me liao...wa lau....

Then stay with the stocks loh...if not get a replica, but it will be the 1st 6er on the road to drive with replica rims...:lol2:
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

totoseow said:
nice meh? looks like normal breytons to me....

My bangla can afford.. they buy and replace their forklift stock rims.
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

wow...really ah... you must be paying your Banglas quite well sia.... damn... must intro all the indians to you...sure they like you sia...so generous...wow....wow....

hehehe...ya la....true...maybe get replica ah....cool...the 1st 6 to have replica rims...how cool...can join all the 5's as well with replica rims....yeah!! :)
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

oh no!!! RU HUA is back.... :)

btw.... my condo's Banglra change his Bic's stock rims to maka 22"... with stoptechs somemore.... with his bonus package... swee swee :lol2:
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

Nutty Professor said:
wow...really ah... you must be paying your Banglas quite well sia....

Nothing to do with pay.. u will b surprise how much they hv in their bank account..... Creative Tech boss wears slipper for meeting... he is actually a millionaire. My 60 yrs old foreman is drawing not more than 1.5k per mth but he owns 2 property locally...I wear slippers and shorts everywhere i go, that does not mean i dun drive a 7.

Back to topic... Damn the rims looks like my breyton spirits..
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

ya true....actually alot of rich ppl all simple simple one..... its cool la....humble.... alot of hawkers also got alot of $$$ sia.....my banker friend told me....

ya...the rims are really like the Breyton Spirit la.....only with deeper lips la....but the price is much much higher le.... if not.....i'll consider.... :) :)
they got other styles la....Wilman bought mah...for his KILLER White 5
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

wooo nice rims..but alittle too much design..shld keep it alittle bit simple!
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

jinna007 said:
any other designs ???
bro, just stick to ur rims that u wanted to get. its beta n rare. U still owe me one huh.....hehehe
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

gadaffi said:
bro, just stick to ur rims that u wanted to get. its beta n rare. U still owe me one huh.....hehehe

yeah i still owe you on e .. i wanted to show you at the april meet up
too bad you did not turn up ...

soon bro .. for the night drive
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

luckily u remember, thanks bro.... ur *** is a monster!
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

Forget it Prof. No replicas for the 6er please. If you can't afford, stick to the stock wheels. BTW, do you have style 121s? Let me know if you're interested. Mine incoming 6er is getting the full makeover.
Re: swee swee rims for the 6 ah!!

jinna007 said:
any other designs ???

For Maya 3pcs rims.........

20" STM in Black


20" RT5 in Black


20" DLS in Silver


Alot more designs from Maya Rims..........but I like these few the best........


'The Great White'

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