TCS keep talking cock

On leave today that why. Just thought I give you guys a chance to catch up. And from the looks of things, it looks like you guys have been talking a lot of cock......
rodders said:
Those lose 5-kg-in-a-week kind. Damn. I am glad I spent the $$$ on my fake PGIIs.

Put it this way....No amount of money in this world can ever make you loose your weight!! :shoot:

bros, please be informed that TCS had the name changed since 4 years ago and it is called Mediacorp now.

please understand that the script was not written by the artistes and they are just doing what was given to them by the marketing ppl or sponsor.

Shameless is not a fair word to use on these artistes.

when it comes to advertising, sponsors will try to deliver their messages using various media vehicles and means to justify their ROI.

as a matter of fact, sponsors can bull how good or how fantastic their products are, it is up to the consumer to believe or not to believe.

consumers are not as ignorant these days and i dont they can be easily mislead by advertisments.

just my two cents worth.

Having said that, I still believe that all companies have some social and moral obligations to society at large.

Singapore today as it is lacks consumer protection of any sort. CASE is a high profile toothless tiger prowling in a sea of sharks; read - not enough budget to fight these rich advertisers. Our system here is not pro-consumers, but pro-business to a larger extent. Hence, consumers here are subjected to a barrage of nonsense, and being best as who we are, we just keep quiet and hope for the best. My 2 pennies worth....

Totally agree with you there bro....*High Five!*

Still its fun to see the ads in other countries whereby the different competitors' brands are bashing each other silly.. haahhaha

Actually I would like to see this kind of commercials/advertisment here. Besides providing entertainment, such kinds of commercials/advertisments may in fact educate consumers in the short comings or flaws of competiting products.

SBC - singapore broadcasting where 'di ba po tao' shows xing bing siao chuan', 'siao fei yu' and 'the net, wuan chong ren' starring chow weng fatt.

TCS - Television corporation of singapore where channel 8 shows the 'kopi o' and 'golden pillow' starring fann wong.

Mediacorp - channel 8 happy fish, channel 5 SI.

so, i think i see a very big diff from e above.


Having said all that, I believe that in the minds of the general public, they are all just one big happy family.

just my 1 cent... :roll:

bro, when it comes to marketing, the marketing deptl will have to follow certain instructions or so called principal when do the marketing or promotion plan.

hmm..SBC, TCS and MCS, is the same company with a changed in brand that armed with new direction and strategies to meet competition ahead.

hmm..SBC, TCS and MCS, is the same company with a changed in brand that armed with new direction and strategies to meet competition ahead.


Competition?? What competition is there in Singapore??

My half-cent........
rodders said:
hmm..SBC, TCS and MCS, is the same company with a changed in brand that armed with new direction and strategies to meet competition ahead.


Competition?? What competition is there in Singapore??

My half-cent........
All I know about advertising is the Victoria Secrets catalogue...
rodders said:
hmm..SBC, TCS and MCS, is the same company with a changed in brand that armed with new direction and strategies to meet competition ahead.


Competition?? What competition is there in Singapore??

My half-cent........

here it goes.

when we say competition in the media industry, it encompass airtime, press, outdoor, buses, periodicals, below the line and many other media vehicles.

i know where you coming from when you say 'what competition is there in S'.

the advertising dollars in singapore is around 600million yearly and where does this 600million goes to?

every media plays a part in getting the advertising dollars in this small market.

i must say that in singapore, even we are a small country but at least we got the guts to try out new things or explore new business opportunities.

though, the new tv station by press and the free newspaper by mcs has come to a merger, i think at least we have managed to sustain a free newspaper and new channel but having different management so to speak.

competition is always there and it applies to any industries.

the paradigm is not at a halt, it is always changing and pretty fast too.

a product that makes a company successful now or before doesnt guarantee anything for the future unless the company stays at a competitive gear with an open mind.

more than 40 over years ago or even longer, the swiss were the top in the watch business.

and one day, a swiss watch maker invented the quartz movement but it was rejected by their own ppl saying that there were no gears, no mechanism in it and it can never be a watch.

without giving any protection to the deceit and the jap (seiko) bought over the product with just one glance in one of the exhibition.

today, the swiss has lost more than three fold of their market share in the watch making industry and quartz took over the market share.

anyway, i am just sharing my quarter cents and thanks for reading.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
I know what you are saying bro.....but in certain industries in Singapore, artificial competition is created just for the sake of competition.....and then we tell the whole world "Look!! There's actually competition in Singapore after all!!" It's really a case of left pocket to the right pocket.
rodders said:
I know what you are saying bro.....but in certain industries in Singapore, artificial competition is created just for the sake of competition.....and then we tell the whole world "Look!! There's actually competition in Singapore after all!!" It's really a case of left pocket to the right pocket.

For once, you are not talking cock to chalk up your total posts, but making perfect senses.

Once I spoke to this fund manager who lamented the dislike for the Singapore stock market and in particular the "representative" STI index. Just browse through the list of blue chips and indeed, each and every major sector is dominated by a GLC (or TLC, T for Temasek), perhaps except the banking sector, which is seeking liberalisation.

SingTel, M1 (partially owned by Keppel via Keppel T&T), StarHub (Sing Tech) are all in a way politically-linked. Hsien Yang and sister-in-law Ho Ching might have discussed the comparative growth prospects of SingTel and M1 over weekend dinner on Oxley.

SPH and its MediaWorks now joined MediaCorp, and starts to make those artistes like Kym Ng sweat for leaving TCS back then.

SIA, NOL, Chartered, STATS ChipPac, are all government-linked.

Capitaland and Keppel Land go back to Temasek.

Listing candidates PSA Corp and Sing Power are monopolies in their respective sectors.

Now, what is truly perfect competition will be re-classifed as an socio-economic ideology here. Here, it will be termed "managed competition" or "regulated free market."

Essentally, a foreign fund who index its portfolio against the STI is essentially putting $$$ in the faith of the government, not buying the growth prospects of the economy.
For once, you are not talking cock to chalk up your total posts, but making perfect senses.

Never like to show my true colours......only as and when it's needed.........
rodders said:
I know what you are saying bro.....but in certain industries in Singapore, artificial competition is created just for the sake of competition.....and then we tell the whole world "Look!! There's actually competition in Singapore after all!!" It's really a case of left pocket to the right pocket.

bro, to excel, it is essential to have superficial and truth competition in any business.

let me use bro kenn statement for example;

starhub - anyone knows who else owned part of the telco?
mcs does. and mcs parent, temasek.

M1- who else is the shareholder of M1, singapore press holdings.

singtel - anyone?

so afterall, is the business compatibility and strategies to stay competitive in the market and not who owns it.

artistes who went over to mediaworks were looking for a new challenge and of course monetary aspects. and i am very sure they didnt sweat to move because during that time, they were being offered with higher remuneration and better environment and so on.

press and mcs didnt joined, but they have come to an agreement where press will own 40% share of the free newspaper and 20% shareof the FTA stations. but, press will have no authority in any managment decision, editorial contents and other business acquisition on mcs. they are just sharing the P/L of the business.

the merger decision is to let both giant to be more focus on the forte of the business and combat with better armed equipments.

be it social enconomics or free market business world, we still need the basic foundation or architecture in order to grow.

as for stock market, when i invest, the first question i will ask myself before any execution; do i know what i m buying..

sorry for being too wordy, :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
mart said:
rodders said:
sorry for being too wordy,

It's ok bro......Always good to have a lively debate.

agree, debate is good but it must be constructive and not destructive.

peanuts worth.. :wavey:
Just as long as there is no ill feelings at the end of the day........... :thumbsup:

Just as long as there is no ill feelings at the end of the day

no worries, so long the dialogue is with substance and fact, i am more than happy to stay controversial.

drop from the sky... :)
JTAN38 said:
oh thank god someone actually noticed hee....

tt i was the only one thinking of that :)
Wah...........First time I see you outside your usual folder.......kekeke
kenntona said:
davn - are you yourself in your avatar? Damn. If so, we need to catch up to discuss on both the eco-social and ethical aspects of the advertisement......


Sorry to dissapoint you Kentonna, you'll probably need to start a forum to meet up with her. :laughlik:
but we thought she stay in North East of Singapore?????? lets start a Send her to Singapore Fund starting with return tickets from Bangkok?

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