The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone!

I just thought we could start a thread here (if the moderators dont mind!!! ;) )- given that there is no GTR owners club in Singapore! Say hi to each other, concerns worries etc. etc. and share our PI experiences/pricing for other potential owners to get wiser about!

Of course - if someone can chalk up a plan to create the GTR owners club singapore, I would be more than happy to contribute. I am useless technically, but can help in other ways possibly!!!

Hope to see some of you around

Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Howdy, timechaser
I'll be collecting mine by the end of this month and It’s a black edition dark metal grey too. :)

Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

drive down to meetup..kekeke
give me taxi ride after run in..thanks!
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

timechaser;297842 said:
Hello to everyone!

I just thought we could start a thread here (if the moderators dont mind!!! ;) )- given that there is no GTR owners club in Singapore! Say hi to each other, concerns worries etc. etc. and share our PI experiences/pricing for other potential owners to get wiser about!

Of course - if someone can chalk up a plan to create the GTR owners club singapore, I would be more than happy to contribute. I am useless technically, but can help in other ways possibly!!!

Hope to see some of you around


Bro, there is a Skylines Forum in Delphi. :) Usually, their meet-up will combine with the Silvias & 350Z..............
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Oh... sorry.... blur & sleepy.......
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

why not a skyline? only this model is it?
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

nissan decided to seperate the Skyline and GTR models so as to be able to develop a car from scratch and not build one from an existing car, so the new GTR is a stand-alone model, no more under the Skyline chassis/brand
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

oh i see. so what does the regular skyline look like?
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Oilman - no, the missus didnt object when I showed her the GTR in flesh. Just needed to wait till feb to order... simple condition to follow :)
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

It looks positively huge... even compared to its immediate predecessor. :)

Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

StarOfDeath;297875 said:
Howdy, timechaser
I'll be collecting mine by the end of this month and It’s a black edition dark metal grey too. :)


yo bro, make that 2 of us. Gosh, it seems like every other GT-R here is a DMG! Gotten your COE? My buddy's premium white is coming in April

timechaser;297842 said:
Hello to everyone!

I just thought we could start a thread here (if the moderators dont mind!!! ;) )- given that there is no GTR owners club in Singapore! Say hi to each other, concerns worries etc. etc. and share our PI experiences/pricing for other potential owners to get wiser about!

Of course - if someone can chalk up a plan to create the GTR owners club singapore, I would be more than happy to contribute. I am useless technically, but can help in other ways possibly!!!

Hope to see some of you around


good idea TC! Probably a meet up will be good to get things going
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Man, I seem to be meeting GT-R prospective owners a lot. Today is especially the case.

Lunch with one, tea with one, supper with another.

Wa liao.

And when your GT-R comes, my god, you will be a monster as long as you can get rid of the 180kmh limiter, which by the time it comes I think no problem already.

3.3 seconds to 100, pulls all the way to 280 strongly ... everybody else is a nobody man at least for straightline pulls. Just that day, I was pulling with a modded 335 and that guy cut me when I was at 255 we thought so shiok already, now with godzilla here you will RULE like no other making all our little games in the past `child's play'. With turbo pre loading launch control even a scuderia no touch your ass, not to mention lesser cars like .... like ... everything else.
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

ulysses;298562 said:

Ulysses - PI already working on it to (hopefully) ensure that the ECU gets transplanted onto the car in Japan itself before it is shipped. Plus - if Mine's have their exhaust production version out, that as well. Trying to get a custom remap - IF mine's do it that is.

centurion;298577 said:
Man, I seem to be meeting GT-R prospective owners a lot. Today is especially the case.

Lunch with one, tea with one, supper with another.

Wa liao.

And when your GT-R comes, my god, you will be a monster as long as you can get rid of the 180kmh limiter, which by the time it comes I think no problem already.

3.3 seconds to 100, pulls all the way to 280 strongly ... everybody else is a nobody man at least for straightline pulls. Just that day, I was pulling with a modded 335 and that guy cut me when I was at 255 we thought so shiok already, now with godzilla here you will RULE like no other making all our little games in the past `child's play'. With turbo pre loading launch control even a scuderia no touch your ass, not to mention lesser cars like .... like ... everything else.

Centu - same here, but then one typically tends to hang around with mates who have a similar mindset, ergo you will meet a lot of prospective GTR owners as it is (like you said) the hottest thing on the block. My team is 5 people - 2 of us have ordered the GTR, and 1 more is seriously contemplating it. One of my neighbours (only one I know well enough to talk to) has one on order too (though he has an R8 on order too, but that's a different story).

But then of all my friends in Singapore (personal, who I know from way back), none had ever heard of the GTR, much less order it. One of the guys in my office saw the GTR on my screen as the wallpaper and asked me - is this the car you have ordered. I confirmed - he comes closer to the screen, gets all puzzled - looks at me and says: "thought you were ordering an expensive car - this is just a nissan!" :ultrasho:

In short - you get all kinds! I believe the GTR is not, by a mile, going to be uncommon on Singapore roads given the pricing by the PIs. Why? On normal pricing in the global market, it is competing against cars twice its price in terms of performance. In its own bracket, it wipes the floor with everything. In Singapore, given the keen pricing by several PIs, it is even better! There is NOTHING which comes even remotely close. I could not have afforded to buy a 911, or a Cayman S if I were looking for a performance car! But the GTR makes it eminently affordable... one of the first cars where I can say it makes sense economically!!!

Hell... I wish that a large proportion of performance car owners change over to the GTR. That will ensure that the aftermarket stuff stays warm and fuzzy!!! Problems will be discovered sooner (think it's a pipe dream if I were to say there will be none), and PIs and workshops in general will have more of an incentive to partake actively in solution development!

Whew - quite a rant for a morning... but had it building up! Have a nice day.

P.S. Centu - need to correct you: you said "at least for straightline pulls". Given the all the technical gubbins (AWD, downforce, weight distribution etc.) I think this will be true even for corners:nehnehhh: . Remember reading somewhere that the faster the car goes, the more downforce (and grip possibly) it generates.

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