The road have eyes ........

Re: The road have eyes ........

They should implement a 10-25% commission for any successful submission resulting in a fine, then more motorist would DL the clip and send it to TP... I will be having extra passive income of ~$100 per day.

Time to use a fake license plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The road have eyes ........

Does in car cam display speed of car in front ?
Or the driver that is trying to BAO DO others have to drive at the same speed too ?
Re: The road have eyes ........

Jason8822;1020258 said:
Does in car cam display speed of car in front ?
Or the driver that is trying to BAO DO others have to drive at the same speed too ?
If you in-car video shows the speed of your ride.... the speed of surrounding vehicle would be pretty obvious i.e. similar speed, slower or faster.
Re: The road have eyes ........

IF Im not wrong, even if your in car cam shows the speed, it also cannot be used as absolute evidence to summon either yourself or another for speeding. unless you can show cause that this piece of equipment has been calibrated by some authorised firm/ competant person recongised by TP.

video can only proof inconsiderate,reckless, dangerous driving.
Re: The road have eyes ........

SPF haut ah .....

Cross double white line, never signal, careless driving, someone overtake you when your GPS shows 90kmh on ECP in less than 2 seconds for 6 lamp posts, never give way to ambulance, horning for not being happy, illegal u-turn, chiong red light, never stop at stop line, stop over the stop line ........
Re: The road have eyes ........

with these in car cams, its a pain in the ass keeping the car at 50kmph on small roads and 90kmph on expressways....
Re: The road have eyes ........

Time to start in-car camera business liao!

Ok i'm accepting group buy orders now for mass order of taiwan made in-car cam! :p

Traffic police, paid to do the job, so pls do your job lah..
Re: The road have eyes ........

tatler;1020293 said:
Time to start in-car camera business liao!

Ok i'm accepting group buy orders now for mass order of taiwan made in-car cam! :p

Traffic police, paid to do the job, so pls do your job lah..

Re: The road have eyes ........

actually if im slightly over the limit, like 100kmph, i'd gladly pay if caught by tp or camera.
but i cant imagine if how some di**head kayu in front of me, or kayu behind me, or try to overtake me from lane 2...
will kena for illegal racing anot?
Re: The road have eyes ........

Upgrade the ERP reader with a built in camera and bluetooth capabilities - specified with a special button for sending the clip to them via your handphone.

Is there a scholar reading this ? He / She could brand this as a global first - Singapore Homeland Integrated Traffic System (SHITS) - where turning each other in is fuss free and efficient (They could include a second button on the ERP reader to allow you to have them deduct the fine directly from your cash card).
Re: The road have eyes ........

You could be a supplier to Upgrade the ERP reader with a built in camera and bluetooth capabilities - specified with a special button for sending the clip to them via your handphone.

Is there a scholar reading this ? He / She could brand this as a global first - Singapore Homeland Integrated Traffic System (SHITS) - where turning each other in is fuss free and efficient (They could include a second button on the ERP reader to allow you to have them deduct the fine directly from your cash card).

tatler;1020293 said:
Time to start in-car camera business liao!

Ok i'm accepting group buy orders now for mass order of taiwan made in-car cam! :p

Traffic police, paid to do the job, so pls do your job lah..
Re: The road have eyes ........

Oh no ... Cannot drive fast anymore . Now police are getting public to be traffic police on the bridge to catch speeding cars with their cameras

Should put front n rear cameras already ....
Re: The road have eyes ........

Drive safe, don't sabo others over small things. Got karma.

Sheer irresponsible drivers, take them out before they hurt someone.
Re: The road have eyes ........

Business opportunity: catch a traffic offender on video and offer to delete the footage for a $mall fee ;)
Re: The road have eyes ........

Oilman said:
Business opportunity: catch a traffic offender on video and offer to delete the footage for a $mall fee

Start this website www.$$$

Sell to SPH for $0.5B after a few years !!!
Re: The road have eyes ........

Very smart and cost effective approach by TP. Now need to be cautious of how is our driving behavior which will be visible on tape. The speed in my view will be subjective, it depends on the speed the car with the camera is travelling.. :stop!:
Re: The road have eyes ........

Oilman;1020336 said:
Business opportunity: catch a traffic offender on video and offer to delete the footage for a $mall fee ;)
Cool Idea.
Re: The road have eyes ........

So it is happening. We are now spying on our bros and sis for some peanuts. Soon it will be a world such as those we see in movies.

Its not for me I ask but my children future to keep. We should always be wary of such activities no matter how much short term benefits it brings.

Re: The road have eyes ........

Oilman;1020336 said:
Business opportunity: catch a traffic offender on video and offer to delete the footage for a $mall fee ;)
Ok I bro I won't fight with you. I will start my own
Catch different things, but same way of making $$ .....
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