the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

I can perfectly understand Colin's frustation with legal practice and I saw this myself, which was what made me decide to leave practise and go in-house. Now I go off work at 5.30-6pm, still see the sun and able to watch Ch 8's 7pm drama serials (altho they are crap). Yah, money is crap compared to practice but who cares?

A wise man told me this that made me "wake up"........ LIVE, dun just exist

Tonite I plan to check out a new porn website my fren intro me, while u people continue to chase the Singapore Dream with your Singapore Plan
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

MW;724940 said:
I can perfectly understand Colin's frustation with legal practice and I saw this myself, which was what made me decide to leave practise and go in-house. Now I go off work at 5.30-6pm, still see the sun and able to watch Ch 8's 7pm drama serials (altho they are crap). Yah, money is crap compared to practice but who cares?

A wise man told me this that made me "wake up"........ LIVE, dun just exist

Tonite I plan to check out a new porn website my fren intro me, while u people continue to chase the Singapore Dream with your Singapore Plan

Can i be ur friend ?
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

walao ... the ending of consider two stories is like saying do you want to get on an auto-pilot plane (everything is categorized and prioritized) or manual driven plane (very exciting, you can get to awesome level or get nowhere or even end up like shit > like many homeless in usa now because of no planning. work today eat today sleep today ... don't give a damn tomorrow or next 6 months what's gonna happen)
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Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Nice one (but I took more than 15 minutes to read it!).
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Very inspiring article. It makes me wanna go do what I really want to do. But I do not have the courage. I wish to live on Phuket island and suntan everyday and open a coffee shop and do nothing all day but go for massages and specials. At least for 6 months. Can or not?

I'm also particularly curious about the edit at the end of the article. It seems that they have an updated belief. 2001 was a long time ago. So have they regretted or have they reached nirvana-land? This suspense is killing me. They also seems to be worried that national security action will be taken against them by the local authorities hence there is a disclaimer of no treason. Even free-spirited people like them have to write in fear to avoid 'unwanted consequences'. It is like they never left the Singapore Plan even though they had dumped the Singapore Dream idea. By raising concerns of not being able to speak freely on internet and books, this couple who are deemed to be to be very free-spirited Singaporeans, are still stuck to the clutches of the Singapore Plan to instill FEAR.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

MW;724940 said:
I can perfectly understand Colin's frustation with legal practice and I saw this myself, which was what made me decide to leave practise and go in-house. Now I go off work at 5.30-6pm, still see the sun and able to watch Ch 8's 7pm drama serials (altho they are crap). Yah, money is crap compared to practice but who cares?

A wise man told me this that made me "wake up"........ LIVE, dun just exist

Tonite I plan to check out a new porn website my fren intro me, while u people continue to chase the Singapore Dream with your Singapore Plan

you are just lazy
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

...@ first I tot the lads here humourous .. Now I find almost hugh percentage of lads here damn charming...:sleepy:.. is supposed 2 be easy...#^#£^%
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

im easy. some call me slut. come to me baby.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

totoseow;724924 said:

A scary thing is when you see it not with teachers, architects, engineers, etc...but in doctors or surgeons! All I've heard is about special vacation spots, pay, cars, handbags, shoes, houses, watches...which doc really made it himself, which one by inheritance, relative's money, connections, who is buying what. Can't remember the last time a local doc has spoken about a challenge to do with his work or research, or a program he's trying to set up, or the joy in saving or healing their patients, evolution or discovery of a procedure, long term targets not expressed in terms of $, but in impact to his patients, society, the industry, humanity, etc.

Makes you think if docs are this way, what about the supposedly less noble professions. And indeed you hear the same chatter around them.

The point about most Americans choosing their passion is true, but I think much of it is due to the size of the US, its position as the superpower by far at least up till recently, and its economic system. I think it's changing right now and the % of dream seekers falling, moving towards most of the rest of the world... survival.

Freedom still very much part of their culture though, just like in many parts of Europe. I'm quite sure it's what breeds excellence though. No babying, nothing forced... it's all on you. The freedom to succeed massively, but also fail completely if you make the wrong moves. Truly survival of the fittest, not survival of the most obedient instruction-takers. The world sits in awe of the kings of every industry over there, but they don't think about thousands of failures they stand on.

But pursuing passion, that to me is truly what living is, and we have only this very short life to live (maybe 50 years after deducting formative years, and the last decade of physical and mental decline).

I'm not religious, but...

Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

dalai lama said it very well. no woner he is lama.

i m not taking sides in this debate. im neither a product of the system nor m i totally out of it (looking at the pressue i pile on my son)....

i feel we hv created generations of well to do zombies. it works for singapore. it may not work for a bigger culture a bigger country.

im happy for now...maybe one day i will give it all up n find the courage to be successful as a man. ai pak tor mai? chocz/mavia/celine?
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Dalai Lama is my idol........wise man indeed.....
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

I read this somewhere....

"you spend half your life studying hard to get into the best schools so that you can get the best jobs, then you spend the other half of your life working so that you can stay employed in our best jobs"
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

i hv a question for him. his english so good! he be monk for what? he shud be teaching in cambridge. i gonna email him
at [email protected]
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

My shallow Singaporean dream is to trade in my F02 & get the new M3 & X4 when it comes out... or maybe not.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

....toto...Courage not enuf...more difficult for most... See Open...

...wad is successful ley...honestly ...? Money ?

...end of day... How many willing to pursue happiness ...their way, not the circular way...

...LIVE, dun just exist ?...looking fwd 2 next morng ? How many hve that luxury of choice ley...
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

If I'm Dalai Lama and they asked me this question of what puzzles me most in humanity, my answer shall be:

"Why men can hurt, maim and kill each other? Where is the humanity and compassion? Why does China wants me dead?"

Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

MW;725062 said:
I read this somewhere....

"you spend half your life studying hard to get into the best schools so that you can get the best jobs, then you spend the other half of your life working so that you can stay employed in our best jobs to pay off our HDB mortgage"
I think this is THE new Singapore Dream.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Good article. Keep you thinking.

Not sure how many of you watched sci-fi action movie "The Matrix". Mr Anderson (Keenu Reeves) wakes up everyday doing the routine and wondered why he is part of the "well-oiled" system indefinitely. At night, he masqueraded as a computer hacker trying to live a "hero's dream". Now, the best part of the movie was when Morpheus asked him to choose the blue pill or the red pill. One will take him to reality where Earth is destroyed and he will become a renegade fighting the machines or take the other pill that will erase his memory have him put back on the simulated reality...a safe haven with routines.

It is a tough choice. Seriously, not many of of us will want to take the pill that will plunge you into uncertainty where surprises, pleasant or unpleasant awaits you.

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