the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Life is like playing a video game ... to be able to play is already a privilege , you are the winner of the one million sperm race... the lucky one to be able to breathe to this world . Unless you are struggling to even stay alive now , one should think back , relax and enjoy and never stress himself
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Generally speaking, I guess it also depends on where each of us are on the labour supply curve. Especially in the Singapore (materialistic) context:

At point "E" you're in survival mode and will probably have to prioritise money over leisure (dreams). At "F" you'll be thinking of working less or maybe doing something more fun. "G" is where you start putting big ideas into action. Ceteris paribus, of course.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

kong simi?

When toto hongbao draw?
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

At point "F" fcuking is all u think of and at point "G" u probably develop a new hobby of analyzing G spots...
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

I know Terry for a long time but I know all his cars and not himself personally. Friendship of Singapore Dream.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

just chill and live your life the way you want it to be.

if you are happy living the singapore dream, then go ahead. if you want to be different, who's stopping u?
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

I like lian pang mei.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

My question to the 2 of them is what took them so long to realise that they had a choice to live their own dream right from the beginning.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

The Review Committee, appointed by the Prime Minister to look at Ministerial salaries, has recommended cuts of between 36 and 53 per cent.

This was disclosed by Committee Chairman, Gerard Ee, on Wednesday at a news conference.

The Singapore Dream for the elites.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Mockngbrd;725571 said:
got singaporean wet dream?

Have. For you only...dun strain ur hand too much
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Awww... my eyes, good GAWD, my eyes... MW, I will get in touch with my PROFESSIONAL lawyer and send you a letter for visual assault....
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

I sort-of know the authors... they are the founders of Nice couple
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

the system here sux. read this..

SINGAPORE: As the tuition landscape here evolves — with a burgeoning market for helping children who are strong academically to become even better — the practice of some enrichment centres of holding entry tests for children as young as six has raised hackles among some parents.
But centres which hold such tests defend it as a way to screen prospective students and understand their abilities better.
Even so, observers TODAY spoke to said that these tests could add more pressure on parents and affect a child’s confidence at an early stage.
Finance manager V. Ang’s six—year—old son recently failed an entry test at a popular enrichment centre and is preparing to take another test at a different centre.
The 33—year—old said: "The screening is quite ridiculous ... when I sent my son to enrol, they even required information such as which primary school he will be going to. It is quite stressful, as it is not only difficult to get in but expensive too."
Another parent, Ms Serene Tan, said her son, who is in Kindergarten 2, was unable to get a place at the Learning Point after he could not pass the entry test in November.
The investment consultant, who is her mid—30s, questioned the motivation of enrichment centres that are solely focused on helping students who are already strong academically to do better.
She added: "I find it very odd that they have such comprehensive entry tests even for children at that age. The centre said that my son didn’t do well in his spelling and grammar, but he is only in K2."
Enrichment centres here conduct entry tests for children in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools.
The duration of these tests are usually between 30 minutes and one—and—a—half hours. An English test for a K2 pupil, for instance, can include grammar, composition, spelling and reading segments.
When contacted, several enrichment centres, which hold entry tests, reiterated the need for the entry tests and pointed to the results they have achieved in helping children who have the aptitude for accelerated learning.
The Learning Lab, for instance, said that each year, 70 per cent of its students see their grades improve by 10 percentage points. It added that 297 of its students scored 260 and above in last year’s Primary School Leaving Examination.
Enrolment requirements vary across the enrichment centres: The Learning Point, for example, will not accept students who fail its entry test, although it allows them to take a re—test six months later. For Just Education, it conducts these tests for students whose results in school are below its criteria.
The Learning Lab said its entry tests are used to assess the ability of the students, so that they can be grouped together with others of similar calibre.
Apart from entry tests, the centre also conducts pre—enrolment interviews "to appraise the student’s drive and desire to improve, and fit with our school’s learning ethos".
Its spokesperson Ling Cheah told TODAY: "We want to ensure that when we admit a student, we can indeed add value, we can indeed help him improve on his personal best."
Creative Horizons, which offers English as well as creative writing courses, pointed out that its students should have a minimum standard of English before attempting creative writing, for instance.
The centre’s director Faeza Sirajudin stressed that "no child is at the place where they don’t need any more help". Nevertheless, she said parents should not "hothouse" their children to try to push them beyond what they can achieve.
She said that it was unhealthy for parents to send their children to enrichment centres at an increasingly young age, when they should be given time to play.
Mountbatten Member of Parliament Lim Biow Chuan, who chairs the Government Parliamentary Committee for Education, dismissed the practice of having entry tests as ’"marketing gimmicks".
Said Mr Lim: "Some centres obviously just want bragging rights. If top students come in, they obviously would be good to begin with. Such practices drive up the pressure unnecessarily."
Ang Mo Kio GRC MP Intan Mokhtar, who also lectures at the National Institute of Education (NIE), added that these enrichment centres play on parents’ fears that their children would lose out if they are not stretched from a young age.
She said: "I guess with the current state where there’s a lot of competition to enter university, parents take extra precaution — if the child is good, he can be even better."
Noting the psychological impact on children who fail the entry tests, she added: "It would instil in the child a sense of belief that everything boils down to (getting) the ’A’s, when learning really isn’t just about that." —
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Oilman;725483 said:
Generally speaking, I guess it also depends on where each of us are on the labour supply curve. Especially in the Singapore (materialistic) context:

At point "E" you're in survival mode and will probably have to prioritise money over leisure (dreams). At "F" you'll be thinking of working less or maybe doing something more fun. "G" is where you start putting big ideas into action. Ceteris paribus, of course.

Oilman, that's an interesting graph.

If one is in survival mode and you can see the prescribed path will not really give you what you want, it might be worth 'going for broke' and exiting the system, going an unconventional route. May end up worse off, but also potentially better off. Time is power, and if the break out starts at a young age, there's a good chance of ending up better off.


Jeremy, soon you will have tuition to prepare to pass the entry tests given by tuition centers that give tuition to better prepare the child for the tests in school..
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

i paid u tuition money u crook.
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

....very scared of Shaun...sure difficult 2 win him in debates....tot MW is bad enuf...:D:D

.....well..matter of Time ..maybe.... No feelings, wad humanity..All Cold Fishes...Walking Zombies ...:sleepy::sleepy: topic Toto ...;)
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

indeed sad ...
[ame=""]You want something. Go get it. Period. - YouTube[/ame]
Re: the singaporean dream....or maybe not

Chocs;725774 said:
....very scared of Shaun...sure difficult 2 win him in debates....tot MW is bad enuf...:D:D

.....well..matter of Time ..maybe.... No feelings, wad humanity..All Cold Fishes...Walking Zombies ...:sleepy::sleepy: topic Toto ...;)

gd topic got kiss?

u shud be scared of shaun n kenn. both good friends. both lawyers. after awhile u tell them both to STFU. both wants to hv the last best thing u dun give them that benefit.

but both r very GOOD just a bit better...cos i paid to go enrichment class. ai kiss mai?

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