Tire Size


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Need some opinions and recommendations.
Thinking of changing the stock RFT Pirelli P7 225/45R18 tires with 18x8 wheels on my F30 335. Too hard, noisy and finishing soon too.
Looking at PS3 but only have 235/40R18 and 235/45R18. Which one of these size best suit the stock size?
225/45R18 only has Primacy 3.

Thank you.
Re: Tire Size

Google ps3 91v.

Thank me later.

Btw, if you find cinturato p7 noisy...then you may be happier with primacy...
Re: Tire Size

Door sticker written 225/45 and 255/40 for R18 inch.
Thing is if 225/45 is not avaliable in my area, which one of the two i stated best suited?
Is PS3 really noisy? Only had xperience with Preceda.
Re: Tire Size

225/45 R18 has a circumference of 207.25 cm ei

235/40 R18 is 202.7 cm with aspect ratio @ 40%, your tyre looks more slick.
235/45 R18 is 210.8 cm with aspect ratio @ 45%, tyre looks thicker, but also more comfort.

both tyre deviation is acceptable to me
Re: Tire Size

If wanna get PS3 then might as well go for PSS. Good performance, good wear rate & IMO not as noisy as others
Re: Tire Size

Hi there.. Sorry to hijack ur thread. Wana Enquire on somthing, Im having 19inch rims. but one of my tire on my front left, keep having air leakage. I went to tire shop twice but no nails were found. No cracks was found on the tire itself, i had to pump air once every 2weeks else the pressure will drop below 220psi. usually i pump 255. Can someone help me??
Re: Tire Size

my friend, you went to the tyre shop twice and they cant find the problem, thats why you came here to ask for help....
tell you what, help yourself by going to another tyre shop and ask them to check.
dont ever go back to the previous one ever again.
If after 3 different tyre shop checked the tyre and changed the valve stem and the problem still persist, then its time to change tyre and rims.

like free2d say, its mostly valve stem problem.

Daeeyoung;1097463 said:
Hi there.. Sorry to hijack ur thread. Wana Enquire on somthing, Im having 19inch rims. but one of my tire on my front left, keep having air leakage. I went to tire shop twice but no nails were found. No cracks was found on the tire itself, i had to pump air once every 2weeks else the pressure will drop below 220psi. usually i pump 255. Can someone help me??
Re: Tire Size

free2d;1097374 said:
Hi guys,

Need some opinions and recommendations.
Thinking of changing the stock RFT Pirelli P7 225/45R18 tires with 18x8 wheels on my F30 335. Too hard, noisy and finishing soon too.
Looking at PS3 but only have 235/40R18 and 235/45R18. Which one of these size best suit the stock size?
225/45R18 only has Primacy 3.

Thank you.
In general, try not to go beyond +/-3% of OEM size (best is keep within +/- 1% difference). Below are links to different calculator to support.

1) Tire Size Calculator - Tire & Wheel Plus Sizing (u can input upto 4 different sizes, to get result)

2) Tyre Size Calculator - Legal Requirements - Etyres (shows u clearly the +/- % difference for selected size)

3) http://www.tyresave.co.uk/tyresize.html (good for quick check of +/- difference between old & new sizing)

4) Tire Size Calculator

5) Tyre Calculator | Tyre Size Calculator | Tire Calculator | Tire Size Calculator
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Re: Tire Size

Vansoh;1097454 said:
225/45 R18 has a circumference of 207.25 cm ei

235/40 R18 is 202.7 cm with aspect ratio @ 40%, your tyre looks more slick.
235/45 R18 is 210.8 cm with aspect ratio @ 45%, tyre looks thicker, but also more comfort.

both tyre deviation is acceptable to me

Probably go with 235/45R18. Saw the new Accord in this size and it looks ok without too bubble side wall.

Thanks guys.
Re: Tire Size

free2d;1097598 said:
Probably go with 235/45R18. Saw the new Accord in this size and it looks ok without too bubble side wall.

Thanks guys.
235/45R18 is a better choice for sure bcoz your choiced size is +1.36% over OEM, while the aspect ratio of 40 is -2.20% over OEM.
Re: Tire Size

Thinking of changing my stock rim to 19inch. Do you recommend 18 or 19? what is the pros and cons by the way?
Re: Tire Size

nafri;1098789 said:
Thinking of changing my stock rim to 19inch. Do you recommend 18 or 19? what is the pros and cons by the way?

My opinion - if you are driving 335 or 328 and you want better control, go for 19". Otherwise 18" should suffice.
Overall 18" should give you more comfort and quieter than 19". If you just want to impress... go for 19" lor! Go staggered even better.
Enjoy your ride.
Re: Tire Size

i don't see any valid reason should you alter your size which BMW (refer to driver door pillar) had provided the full tyre sizes accepted by them.
225/45/18 NON run flat tyre is quite easily available in very wide range (Michelin pilot sport PS3 and many many etc)
do remember the size 255/40/18 is strictly for rear wheel only
please go for PS3 if you want better overall not PSS
and don't forget the 225/45/18 only best on 8x18 rim(your stock now?)
1 brother mentioned here is correct your tyre shop did 3 times test still can not find the caused of your tyre leak is time for you to switch tyre shop, didn't he bother to remove your tyre out from the rim to inspect internally which may able to find the caused?
Re: Tire Size

Just a feedback.
I swapped wheels with another gentleman so now riding staggered 18" RF Continental - the ride is ok except that the Continental is hopeless in the wet. Any brother has experience to share? Will change the RF to something else later.
Re: Tire Size

lf37;1112054 said:
Will change the RF to something else later.
Pilot Super Sports is relatively good in terms of dry/wet/tyre wear rate/price point of view
Re: Tire Size

JuzMe;1112055 said:
Pilot Super Sports is relatively good in terms of dry/wet/tyre wear rate/price point of view

PSS is like a all rounder with reasonable price tag
But the new Conti CSC 5P is coming close

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