TO KL - Tips and tricks

jaskin - I think when you're dealing with corrupt cops the strict letter of the law doesn't apply. So to ask the question of whether they have the jurisdiction/right to arrest you in various situations I think is really pointless since it often after the fact (of being threatened or arrested) that you can take any course of action, like sue their pants off or lodge a complaint against the cops.

Knowing your rights however is NEVER a bad thing but I am not in a position to answer your queries.

My approach to cops is always smile, be friendly and listen to what they have to say without being aggressive. If a compromise or arrangement does not appear forthcoming, be official about everything and ask for summons to be in writing blah blah blah...

Not much help but just my take on things... :thumbsup:
jaskin said:
BMW got no such speed-limiters right? Anyways when they threaten to arrest you do they have the jurisdiction or is it just an empty threat? Or is it after certain speed then they can arrest you?

no they won't arrest you , they just want moolah....

and our cars have no limiters like the JDM evos or WRXs....
Mine got when my Home Minister is sitting in the car. Haha.

She always says "Don't drive so fast lah, wait you kena saman!"
hehe only made 2 trips to JB so far .. clock 200 - 195kph respectively. heng no tp.

Must refrain myself from doing that again...

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