Have you all noticed an increase in covert speed camera operations by the TP?
After a lull of two weeks they are back at it again! Over the past 2 weeks, I've seen 6 TP cameras on overhead bridges. 4 of which are on the PIE! This morning there was one on the bridge next to Great World City (5 lane road, 60/km/h speed limit, lots of Porsches in the morning). None of which had any signs or indication that they were operating.
Do they really think drivers are fat cows to be milked dry?
I thought we complained and they said they will listen.
I guess they were just humouring us.
The police thinks we are idiots.
After a lull of two weeks they are back at it again! Over the past 2 weeks, I've seen 6 TP cameras on overhead bridges. 4 of which are on the PIE! This morning there was one on the bridge next to Great World City (5 lane road, 60/km/h speed limit, lots of Porsches in the morning). None of which had any signs or indication that they were operating.
Do they really think drivers are fat cows to be milked dry?
I thought we complained and they said they will listen.
I guess they were just humouring us.
The police thinks we are idiots.