Track Driving FAQ for Newbies


Core Group Members
I'm starting a knowledge base on this matter, because I feel this is very important for safety. I'm not the final authority on this, so feel free to chip in on additions and corrections. What I'll do is to incorporate your points by editing my post, and then delete off your post to keep it neat.

This shall focus on the Sepang International Circuit for now, because this is the only track we're booking our BMWSG track days for at the moment.


All newbies are encouraged to read and understand what's written here to speed up your learning curve. If you have invited friends who are newbies to our track day, you are also encouraged to copy this and email it to them.

BTW this kind of lousy driving in the video is obviously not done by me hahah
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Who can join?

Every registered member here can join us. Whether you are completely new, or have some sort of track experience. As long as you are interested in the sport, you are encouraged to join us.

No matter what car you drive, as long as it is road-worthy, you can join us. It does not matter if your car is considered low in bhp. Or if it is not modified. I have received numerous enquires on whether your car has enough horsepower, after you look at the participating list of "supercars". Do not worry, there is no danger as long as everyone adhere to the same set of safety rules.

So don't PM me anymore on this question, in short, you are welcome.

Our track days are simply club level tracking events, not a racing event. And our aim is to introduce the sport to as many enthusiasts in the forum as possible, in the safest possible environment.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

How to get there?

If this is a morning track day, it will be from 9am to 12pm. We will meet at 5am at the first Petronas petrol station after the Malaysian customs after the 2nd link at Tuas. We will stop at 209km rest stop Ayer Kerok for refueling. It is a 3 hour trip, and we hope to reach the track at about 8am or so.

There will be a convoy to get those interested to join there. We'll have a convoy leader, and a last car (the sweeper). Because the last car will not overtake anyone, in theory no one in the convoy will get left behind. There's no overtaking allowed in our convoy.

If you experience a breakdown, the sweeper will stay back and help you. Give the convoy leader a call so that he will know that some cars have left the convoy.

The convoy will form up after every toll before moving off.

If you get somehow get lost, best way is to follow the north south highway towards KL. Follow the street signs to KLIA and around the 270km mark. From there you will see prominent signs towards the Formula 1 track. Once you are around the vicinity, give the track organizer a call and someone will come out to get you. While this is not the shortest route, this is the most straightforward route.

Things to bring:

1. Touch and Go card. If you do not have it, purchase it at the rest stops, or at the toll station office usually located after the tolls. If not you can always pay cash. Keep 100rm with you for tolls. (extra is for when you make a wrong exit)

2. Helmet. At least motorcycle helmet standard. Full face or half face without chin coverings are fine. In fact, those that do not cover your chins are preferred, as when the steering airbag deploys, those wearing full face helmets may fracture their lower jawbones. No army helmets or bicycle helmets.

3. Proper shoes. No need to buy driving shoes if you dont have it. Normal track shoes will do. As long as its not open-toe footware. But take note shoes that are too bulky, thick, (eg army boots, high heels) cannot be used because they do not allow you to feel the throttle.

4. Passport/ Immigration card

5. Petrol and meal money.


Please have enough sleep the night before. This is extremely important. If you are making a round trip the same day, you will probably spend close to 12 hours at the wheel. Please pace yourself.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Car Preparation

If need be, bring your car to your workshop for a pre-track inspection. If not,

Make sure your car has all fluids properly topped up. Do not overfill any fluids. Usually power steering fluids even when slightly overfilled tends to spill out when you track, and they are extremely flammable. Overfilled engine oil gets turned into cappacino by your crankshafts, no good. Keep everything between the min and max levels. Try not to track when your fuel reserve light comes on, to prevent fuel starvation when cornering. You need 3/4 full tank when exiting Singapore. Remember to top up your wiper fluids. You need a clear windscreen when driving up the malaysian highways.

Make sure all tyres are properly inflated. Over/ under inflating will cause tyre blowups when extreme temperature sets in.

Make sure you have enough brake pad thickness to last the track day, and also to last the way home. Many people do not check this, and completely finish up all their pad materials at the track, leaving none for the 350km trip home.

No loose items in the car when tracking. Flying objects in the car can seriously hurt you, when you brake hard, corner hard, or when someone crash into you. Loose small items like mineral water bottles can roll underneath your brake pedal and jam it.

If you want, you can bring spares. Some tools, tyre air pressure gauge, duct tape, cable ties are nice to have.

You can leave all baggages and extra stuff like cushions, umbrellas, baby seats, on the floor in the pits, empty out your car before you enter the track.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Understanding the Track Layout


Be familiar with:

1. Where the pits are. This will be your holding area. No running engines, no smoking. Do not litter, keep the place clean. No children.

2. Pit lane. This is one way. Do not travel up the wrong direction. Speed Limit is 60kmh. Do not park your cars at the pit lane.

3. Pit entry. The pit entry from the track is at turn 15. Newbies need to know this before going out on their own. Otherwise you'll never get out of the track.

4. Pit exit. This goes out to the track. The pit exit is also the track entry. You will enter into turn 1. Before you reach the exit, you'll need to stop and let the track marshall see that you are wearing helmet, proper shoes, seat belt on, and wrist band (issued during the safety brief. This signifies that you have paid, and are authorised to enter the track) You will see a white line on your left, separating your track entry lane from the rest of the track. VERY IMPORTANT - DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE!

5. Track layout. This is a clockwise track. There are 15 turns. Some of the turns contain more danger than others. Please have an experienced member orientate you before you go full speed. It will be good to memorise the track. Use whatever aids that you can get before the track day. Google for the layout map, play some computer games, watch youtube videos. All these will help in your familiarisation.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Safety Brief:


1. Flags, Coloured Lights

Understand the meaning of the basic flags and coloured lights. Failure to comply will result in you getting kicked out of the track. There are marshal booths situated at key points of the track. They help keep a lookout on the safe tracking of the session. They will wave certain coloured flags when something out of the norm happens. Similarly coloured lights installed at various points of the track convey the same meaning.

Green - all is okay. carry on.

Yellow - Something has happened up front that requires you to slow down. No overtaking. Keep a lookout for the cause. Usually it will be a car that has stopped somewhere along or alongside the track.

Red - session has stopped. Exit immediately the next time you come to the turn 15 pit entry. Even if you have not have the time to cool down the car, you must still exit.

Black - it will be waved and then pointed at you. You must exit the track the next time you come to the pit entry. This is car specific, and it means that your behavior has warranted you a kick out from the track. Usually for a short verbal warning before you can rejoin, or it could be a permanent kick out. Or, your car has been spotted by the marshals to be unsuitable for further tracking, which you may not be aware of. Maybe it is on fire, leaking oil, leaking petrol, etc.

Striped Yellow - Slippery track. Maybe someone has spilled oil in front of you. Beware and slow down.


Cooling down:

All cars are advised to do at least 1 cooling down lap before you pit. Switch on your hazard lights, and continue driving predictably. You will almost certainly get passed by cars that are still going at fast speeds. Do not swerve around, keep to your intended logical line, to prevent a collision. As long as you keep yourself predictable, the car behind can safely find a way past you.

DO NOT MOVE SIDEWAYS TO GIVE WAY TO A FASTER CAR. If you do so, and the car behind move the same way, the double correction will result in an accident. Your cooling down speed should not be too ridiculously slow, or you will become an obstacle. Keep to at least 70kmh. After you have pitted, DO NOT pull your handbrake. Your rotors are still too hot. Your brake pads will catch fire. Similarly, do not sit in your car and rest your foot on the foot brakes.


No one must move aside to allow a faster car through. This is to prevent accidents from double car corrections at the same time. If you see a faster car aproaching you, maintain your original intended line. The faster car will find his own way through. The key is to stay predictable, so others can anticipate your movement.

No diving into the inside of the corner to overtake. Actually, we do not encourage overtaking at corners at all. If a collision occurs because of this, the car that comes from behind and dives into the inside corner to overtake will generally be deemed to be at fault.


Spin Outs:
If you spin out on the track, and become stationary, whether still on the tarmac or not, please look out for traffic before joining the track. No cars can drive on the opposite direction.

If you find yourself beached on the gravel beside, just stay put. The safest place is still to be inside your car. The track marshals will notice you, close the track off completely, and send out a tow-truck to get you out. Please do not do this too often because it affects everyone else's track time.

If you find your friend beached on the gravel, do not stop your car to help. You will become the next obstacle. Instead, if you wish, drive back to the pits to inform the track principle. He is usually located at the booth at the start-finish line. Similarly if you spot another car say leaking oil or leaking fuel, you can also go to the pit at the start-finish line and inform the marshal so they can black flag that car out.

**now this is a special disclaimer. The official rules do state that no one is to stop their car to help another car. But if let's say you find your friend burning to death in his car and you're the nearest to him, please dont "just follow law", use your discretion and common sense and act accordingly.**


If there is a collision, it will be settled only among the parties involved. For obvious reasons, the track organisers, and SIC, will not be involved or held liable for any on-track accidents. Do note that your general car insurance does not cover track driving.

If you spin out and damage any barriers or any fixtures on SIC, they will charge you accordingly. There's a standard price for track damage. You will have to pay them for the damage. If you're interested you can request for the pricing menu from SIC.



No drifting allowed

No driving in opposite direction

If you find yourself stuck behind a slower but more powerful car, and he's spoiling your laps, by coming back at you at the straights after you've overtaking him at the turns at the track, do not get angry. Just let go, slow down for half a minute, find yourself a clear track, then resume your laps. It is common to get stuck in traffic in a track day.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Suggested Driving Tips.

Driving position:
Sit with seat back upright, head 4 fingers from the roof of your BMW, grip with 3 and 9 o'clock positions of your steering wheel, elbows slightly bent close to 90 degrees, make sure your knees are still a little bent at full depression of your pedals.


Driving style

A good driving style is a smooth driving style. You have 4 inputs. Steering, brake, acceleration, and gearchange. Make sure all 4 are smooth, not jerky. All steering inputs should be very smooth and fluids. If you turn the steering wheel abruptly, you'll find that you suddenly have very little tyre grip. Accelerate and brake smoothly to ensure that you do not jerk your car's weight distribution about, and rev match all your gear changes so that the car does not jerk.

Stomping on the brakes, contrary to what most people think, do not improve your lap times. In fact, it makes you slower. So be kind to your brakes.
Accelerating hard by instantly flooring the throttle when coming out of a corner will destabilise your car. If your traction control is off, you may spin out.


Driving Lines

Sepang has numerous racing lines. Some differ because of the drive nature of your car, the horsepower of your car, environment changes, and whether you are setting up for an overtaking manoeuvre. However, there is a general fast line for general usage. This is the line that you will want to take when you drive on the track. Please have an experienced member take you out and show you. Generally, it is the straightest possible line around a bend.

I have noticed that the most common mistake newbies make on the racing line, is to turn in too early. When you do that, you find that your exit is extremely cramped, and you lose too much speed. Turn in a little later, right at the apex, and you will find that you can comfortably exit the turn. Have an experienced member demonstrate that to you.


General Advise.

Our track day is not a racing event. We are here to have fun, and to return home safely. Please do not be a hero, and do not let your ego overtake your driving abilities. In BMWSG, we've been always blessed to have participants who never exhibit ugly behavior. Let's keep that up.

Generally, there are 3 limits that we do not want to breach. Driver limit, Car limit, Track limit. Breaching any of this limits may result in an incident. Drive within what your skills allow at that moment, know what your car can or cannot do, and take note on how the limit on the track changes when it is cold, hot, wet or dry. Drive within these limits and you and your car will be safe.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Now for everyone :

* Ensure you have absolutely enough sleep the night before especially if you are setting off early the next day. The last thing you want to see yourself is being sleepy while driving. This doesnt only happen on the way up to SIC but can potentially be the same situation on the same day returning back to Singapore as you are likely to be exhausted
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Below is a thread that jack started in the private folder last year. I've copied it here so that we can incorporate it into our overall tracking guidelines here.

Given the concerns plus enthusiasms from our fellow trackkies on the subject matter, I thought it's appropriate if I just start a thread here.

This is how I'd like to lay it out for our track participants. I welcome any other suggestions and if you have any, please PM me and and I will do my part to add it in as I don't want to clutter this thread.

Admin members, if you see fit, this can become a 'sticky' thread. Thank You.

Points to note regarding safety and basic rules:

  • Flags and Lights

    • Green Flag / Lights – Good to go
    • Red Flag / Lights – Track is closed, please reduce speed return to the pit
    • Yellow Flag – Please slow down, something has gone wrong somewhere on the track such as oil spill, someone spun out, broken pieces of car parts and stuff like that
    • Black Flag – If the marshal flags at you, something’s wrong with your car or the way you drive. Please slow down and return to the pit.

  • Braking points
There are markers along the track, from 200 to 50m points. Please do the braking within your car’s limit, NOT the driver’s. In the event you are braking too late and you know you are going into the gravels, ensure you keep your steering wheel straight and let go. DO NOT attempt to maneuver as the car may end up flipping.

  • Overtaking
Remember to exercise caution when overtaking as we DO NOT encourage overtaking around corners. Overtaking in the inside line of the T9 is a definite No-No. It’s the most dangerous tight turn with absolutely limited view from the other driver who may end up clipping you right at the apex.

In general, if you see faster cars coming from behind and you know they are going to overtake you, please stay on your line and let them pass. DO NOT ever attempt to switch lines in such situation.
  • If you see someone spun out, DO NOT STOP your car and try to help. The track marshals will come to the rescue and please watch out for yellow flags. Drivers who spun out and went into gravel can come out of the car and stand by the car. DO NOT come near to the track and waive for other drivers to stop to pick you up. In another scenario, drivers who spun out and for whatever reasons their car completely stall in the middle of the track, please stay in the car and wait for Marshal to rescue. In this case, track light will already be red and other drivers out on track will have to slow down and return to pit until the spun-out car is cleared off the track.

  • Every time you go out on track, it’s necessary that you cool down your car (1 or 2 laps) after some hot laps. This is mainly for the benefits of your engine and brakes. Turn on your hazard light if you are doing so and drive slowly (~ 80kmh is good). Those who are still doing their flying laps will know how to overtake you. In the situation where you are approaching an apex, do not panic and drivers doing hot laps should exercise caution, i.e. they are not allowed to overtake from the inside of the racing lines. When you are done with the cool down laps, you may wish to come back to the pit. Remember to keep the speed at minimum along the pit lane. Park your car and DO NOT pull the handbrakes as they might still be very hot.

  • Please bear in mind that the track pit lane is one directional. DO NOT attempt to do a long reverse.
When you are exiting the pit area to go out on track, YOU MUST ALWAYS stay on THE RIGHT SIDE of the track. There is a painted white line on your left upon the exit which indicates that you MUST NEVER cross it. This is because there could be cars coming from behind at very high speed heading to the same turn as you i.e. T1
  • Your car windows. It’s safer to wind them up and allow for a small gap for some air. It may be dangerous if the window is wide open as you never know there could be some flying objects like perhaps little gravels going straight at you.

  • Last but not least, before you go out to track, please remove all loose or unnecessary items from your car.

  • No smoking in pit areas at all time
I have heard of a case where a drink bottle got stuck under the driver’s brake pedal and the pedal couldn’t be pressed.

Have A Safe and Fun Track Day

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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Shawn, the "stay on the right" rule is something the club needs to clarify because what was stated at the last trackday does not match what is stated in the document above.. think it's better not to go back and forth, but to stick to one standard rule
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Shaun;539403 said:
Shawn, the "stay on the right" rule is something the club needs to clarify because what was stated at the last trackday does not match what is stated in the document above.. think it's better not to go back and forth, but to stick to one standard rule

edited. i'll clean the whole thing up when i have the time later..
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Racebred;539346 said:
Drivers who spun out and went into gravel can come out of the car and stand by the car.

prolly not safe to stand beside the car. either stay inside the car or stand behind the barrier?
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

powersteer;539451 said:
prolly not safe to stand beside the car. either stay inside the car or stand behind the barrier?

Yah standard is to stay in the car until the track workers come by to get your car out under yellow or red.
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies


Barrier damage RM1800 per section
Artificial turf damage RM300 per square meter
Oil leak clean up RM1000 per vehicle
Transponder damage/loss RM1000 per unit

All these charges are to be settled by the individual concerned, on the day of the incident and the person and vehicle may not be allowed to leave the premises until the bill is paid up. These charges are levied across the board on all organisations/ parties that rent the track.

BMWSG Club will not be liable for any of these charges and will not undertake to pay on behalf of its members/ related parties/ partner organisations under any circumstances. You are henceforth advised to drive within limits, observe your vehicle's fluid levels at all times.
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

饱浪屿,一个乡村的实真沉夸 饱浪屿,乘灭热意尚亡 该七色光受下白昼的眼睛 小厦门,冬夜外的大徘徊 【真拍:厦门尽好傍晚地】白取乌的蓝调对位 【街拍厦门】浑冷的纯挚幼童趣 【饱浪屿里情】人们没有只非促功主 【醒好南京】您佳,紫蓝色的陈时间 主要提醒:警戒虚伪外罚疑作,面打查望概况 旧浪BLOG看法正馈留直言板 About Sina SINA English
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

Prompted by recent incidents, I'd like to add to please not do wheelspin launches or burnouts in pitlane. There is often debris on the ground in pitlane - lengths of wire, a bolt here, a nut there, etc. Sometimes mechanics may leave tools or other parts on the ground by accident. If anything happens to be in your launch path or burnout area, the spinning tire will pick up the object and throw it rearward at great speed. It can hit and seriously injure anyone standing even tens of meters away - broken bones and missing chunks of leg can't be fun. It has happened before. It is 1 out of 4 reasons you often see mechs really keeping the pit area finely swept and super clean during any session.

Besides debris getting thrown out, there is always the risk in loss of control in an area where there are usually lots of people.
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Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

nice info and driving.
been there twice
The only think i still dun get is catching the oversteer, for me it just come suddenly! (almost crash into a s2000)
Re: Track Driving FAQ for Newbies

[ame=][HD] Danica Patrick Post-Crash Interview Las Vegas 10-16-2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Danica Patrick! :chinese:

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