Unfortunate Incident


New Member
Hi all, am not a new BMW owner but am new to the forum.

Just wanted to share/rant a most unfortunate incident that happened to me this morning and wanted to know your thoughts and if something similar has happened to you.

I was at public carpark and parked my car at a left most lot, next to some bikes. Before I could get out of my car, along came this white car (I think it was a Mazda CX5) which parked in the available lot my right. He parked pretty close to me and I could not open my car door wide enough to get out. Note: I didn't open my door but just noticed that he was too close. I checked and I am parked right smack in the center of my lot. In any case, I re-started my car, moved forward, and parked closer to the bikes now so I have more space to get out. No fuss, am now more to the left side of the parking lot. It was still tight and I was careful to make sure I open my car door slowly to get out. My open door touched the side of his door when I got out. Note that it just touched gently - There was no violent opening of my door on my part. I got out of the car and this guy suddenly claims that I damaged/ding his car door and that it made a "loud" sound when I opened my door - I believe I might have actually kicked my own side-skirt in my attempt to get out carefully. I was sure I didn't damage/ding his car and explained the same. He inspected his door but there was clearly no damage/ding. He then started to rant and said BMW drivers think very highly of themselves, etc.... I walked toward the hawker center and he followed and continued his rant, eventually moving in front of me and body checked me/push me at one point.

I then asked him if he is just out to seek some kind of compensation and if that's just what he was after? Given there was clearly no damage and I was absolutely certain I didn't hit his car, I told him I am not paying him a single cent.

Anyone had similar unpleasant experience? Thanks...
Issue could have been diffused by a simple apology. Remember he's inside his car so no matter whatever soft contact will still reverberate / echo inside his car making it sound louder.
Conversely you're still inside YOUR car so to you it wont sound like much. Although evident that no damage or mark on his car for damage the rest could have been headed off or diffused early. Theres always 2 sides to the story and unless the other guy posts his side members shouldn't take either side.
Go enjoy the rest of the week and move on, its not worth losing any sleep or brain matter over a small issue like this.
I don't quite understand why despite no visible damage to the CX5, the driver continued to harass you? Just because you drove a BMW??
Actually I quite “tu lan” of big SUVs parking beside me. It’s more likely for them to ding my door than vice versa. In the OP’s case, if there was no damage found, on what basis can the Mazda driver claim compensation? Even if there was a ding, can he prove that it was caused by the BMW? I think a lot of people have stereotyped BMW drivers, probably out of “green eyes”. But since I started driving BMW, I noticed that other drivers tend to give way to me more compared to when I drove a normal Japanese car.
Actually I quite “tu lan” of big SUVs parking beside me. It’s more likely for them to ding my door than vice versa. In the OP’s case, if there was no damage found, on what basis can the Mazda driver claim compensation? Even if there was a ding, can he prove that it was caused by the BMW? I think a lot of people have stereotyped BMW drivers, probably out of “green eyes”. But since I started driving BMW, I noticed that other drivers tend to give way to me more compared to when I drove a normal Japanese car.
Yes, very true.... Happened to me as well.... Must be due to that most people's subconscious mind will remind them that deep down inside, any repairs that are claimed to their insurance, will kill their hopes of retaining NCD for the next 5 years....:yikes::yikes::yikes:
hahaha... among some brands compared... some studies noted that bmw drivers behave the worst on the road. still, i chose a bmw.

one 14-foot lorry driver opened up the door and hit my front left fender last month.
didnt realised the driver (myself) was inside initially. about 4mins later, i got out of the car and he drove off so quickly... hahaha... i’m sure he thought i was gonna pick a “fight”.

i don’t like to get speeding tickets and drive within speed limits. many overtakings almost everyday but only one thing in common, the sizes of their engines versus their balls just doesn’t match up correctly.

it’s not bmw. it’s the driver. on top of that list must be James Bond...
Actually I quite “tu lan” of big SUVs parking beside me. It’s more likely for them to ding my door than vice versa. In the OP’s case, if there was no damage found, on what basis can the Mazda driver claim compensation? Even if there was a ding, can he prove that it was caused by the BMW? I think a lot of people have stereotyped BMW drivers, probably out of “green eyes”. But since I started driving BMW, I noticed that other drivers tend to give way to me more compared to when I drove a normal Japanese car.

i agree, yes, they do give way more as well...

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