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UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

can i have it? is it very big?
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

grommit said:
I'm not one for sticking badges on the car, so anyone who wants this can have it for free. :)

damn me using UUC pulley!!!
mai tu liao! but give morphisis, he ask first.
upz for u bro.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Elma bro,

i pass u the UUC... i take the Motorwerks...

swee swee?
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

morphisis said:
can i have it? is it very big?

yo, its free..... take lah regard size..

Pamala Anderson D cup or A cup i oso take if its free.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

morphisis said:
Elma bro,

i pass u the UUC... i take the Motorwerks...

swee swee?

heheh..but it comes in 1 piece right? then must break into 2 like kit kat hor...haha..
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

wahahahaha... bro OLL, thats abit direct la....

grommit bro, you decide who you want to give to then... i m going paste it in my interior.... its alrite if you give to elma bro...

Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

morphisis said:
wahahahaha... bro OLL, thats abit direct la....

grommit bro, you decide who you want to give to then... i m going paste it in my interior.... its alrite if you give to elma bro...


nvm la..u take it morphisis. i belive in 1st cum first serve. :) keke.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Nbzz Du lai Du Kee..... Wah Hee Seng.. I take.. TQ grommit. I luv this forum!

TQ too Morp. and Elm.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Orh LuLu said:
Nbzz Du lai Du Kee..... Wah Hee Seng.. I take.. TQ grommit. I luv this forum!

TQ too Morp. and Elm.

hahaha champion....oll wins again..
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Heh heh, so much interest....

Okay then, first come first served it is. It's yours, Morphisis. Then I'll let you to decide how you want to split it between Elma, OLL, and yourself. :)

let's arrange meetup details via pm.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Err.. i am interested only in the center strip... err.. hullo.
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

grommit, have you decided who to give haha... actually i also want haha... but 1st come 1st serve.. last come poh heng sway...
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

Orh LuLu said:
yo, its free..... take lah regard size..

Pamala Anderson D cup or A cup i oso take if its free.

Ah hia... u mean whether Ru Hua A cup or D cup u will take also! hur....
Re: UUC Motorwerks Badge to Give Away

morphisis said:
wahahahaha... bro OLL, thats abit direct la....

grommit bro, you decide who you want to give to then... i m going paste it in my interior.... its alrite if you give to elma bro...


hullo.... where got people stick that inside wan....

hope it didnt sound too crude... hahaha

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