valuable Newbie lesson...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys/gals, something to share...i'm a newbie with an E 90, so this info may be useful for newbies like me...
I managed to get myself a slight scratch on my f/right bumper with a 20 cents shaped dent.

To cut long story short, I went to Performance motors (Alexandra) for a quote (cos, I was there to settle my central locking problem haiizzz...thats another sh*&#...

Anyway, since i was there, i asked for a quote to repair the dent.. This is wat happened:

1st time: Quoted $575/- - i thot ...not too bad hmm... maybe will consider
2nd time: 1 month later: another technician called me and said tt I had to change the entire bumper cos he claimed tt my fog lights were disfigured... i sensed something amiss and said no. btw the quote was abt $1500!

3rd time: after i said no, barely 30 minutes later..another technician called and said tt actually, theres no need to change bumper: he quoted me $750/- needless to say, by this time, i'm damn pissed and told him to bugger off...

ps: tried to post this in technical discussion, but somehow, my account can't create a new thread there...
next best thing, i looked up the recommended workshops in this forum...all quoted me at abt $350 :) finally went to Yew Lip and met Angie. She quoted me $250/- i agreed and my car is now as good as new!! fast, friendly & excellent service too. ready in less than 24hrs.

learning lesson...always shop around for quotes and don't be mistaken by the perception that authorised dealers are always the best choice to solve all ur car problems...
hope this helps others in similar situations...have a gd weekend everyone! :)
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

welcome to the forum, u will need 10 posts to start anything outside newbie folder.
as for pml, if u do a search....u will find alot of funny stories on em...hehe
anyway, if fog lights disfigured, change the foglight lo, that aint no valid reason to change the bumper.....keke.

as for the 20 cents bump, since yours is ABS, what u need is some heating n knock back then spray. some of the workshops out there are rather lazy mah, just tell u straight replace bumper cos easier job plus more profitable and also they are not that experienced with car bodywork like angie or mike. moral of the story, ask around before committing, ask forum members, ask site sponsor workshops etc.
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

yeap...good lesson for me..

actually i could have lived with the slight dent, but, i'm using da car for my wedding next weekend..and my Mum In Law was like.." errr...u gonna repair the dent BEFORE the wedding right?"

so, guess, under the bohpian act, i had to find time and hunt ard for good workshops lah...

he he...some indication to what i'm getting myself into beyond next weekend :):laughlik:
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

should have just go bump the other side to match and tell mother in law "no lah, this one bmw bumper design like that one....." hahahaha
just kidding.....never offend mother-in-law wait die jialat jialat ah....
all the best to your wedding and bye bye bachelorhood
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Tantalus;397919 said:
Hi guys/gals, something to share...i'm a newbie with an E 90, so this info may be useful for newbies like me...
I managed to get myself a slight scratch on my f/right bumper with a 20 cents shaped dent.

To cut long story short, I went to Performance motors (Alexandra) for a quote (cos, I was there to settle my central locking problem haiizzz...thats another sh*&#...

Anyway, since i was there, i asked for a quote to repair the dent.. This is wat happened:

1st time: Quoted $575/- - i thot ...not too bad hmm... maybe will consider
2nd time: 1 month later: another technician called me and said tt I had to change the entire bumper cos he claimed tt my fog lights were disfigured... i sensed something amiss and said no. btw the quote was abt $1500!

3rd time: after i said no, barely 30 minutes later..another technician called and said tt actually, theres no need to change bumper: he quoted me $750/- needless to say, by this time, i'm damn pissed and told him to bugger off...

ps: tried to post this in technical discussion, but somehow, my account can't create a new thread there...
next best thing, i looked up the recommended workshops in this forum...all quoted me at abt $350 :) finally went to Yew Lip and met Angie. She quoted me $250/- i agreed and my car is now as good as new!! fast, friendly & excellent service too. ready in less than 24hrs.

learning lesson...always shop around for quotes and don't be mistaken by the perception that authorised dealers are always the best choice to solve all ur car problems...
hope this helps others in similar situations...have a gd weekend everyone! :)

Hi Tantalus,

Thanks for this info ... very useful for all newbies like myself too. I'm a bit surprised and amused at the same time that PML, an authorised dealer, could ever resort to such tactics. If you can't trust PML and her staff, who can we trust then?

BTW, can you pass me the number for Yew Lip? Good service establishment contact must keep.

Thank you.:)
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

U can find the contact in our Workshop Page! :)

And to Tantalus, congrats on getting the dent fixed and on getting hitched! Welcome to the club.
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Yeah check around first. PML should be your last resort.

I bumped into a taxi recently (he bl**dy braked in front of me suddenly) and got some dent marks on my bumper. Went to Mike at SWC and he fixed it for me within the day for less than $300.
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Yes good lesson indeed!
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Hi guys, just to share with you my share of story with PML, on the day I got my new car, I was quite certain they have did a good PDI until I was about to drive off and found scratch marks on my bonnet and worst still, some severe scratches on my read bumper, this also surprised the SC! Gotta get the car out prior to my overseas trip so he suggested sending it back another day to get it fixed.

Next time if you guys were to take over your car from PML, do make sure to do a thorough check since they can't even do a proper job for such a reputable company.

:furious: :furious: :furious: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Interestingly, I also notice that each time I send my car to PML for any repair or fault checking. There will also some kind of surprises happened, it can be stain on the car seat, marks on the car, etc. So the lesson is try not to leave your car there for too long. Now I always ask to get back the car on the same day unless really really no choice. I even record the meter counter because the last time I noticed my car travelled more then 100 KM and how can it clocked 100 km even just driving around within the workshop for two days. So you never know know what is going on in the PML workshop. Reported to the SC but he mentioned quite normal as they need to test the car before returning to customers. I wonder whether they used our cars to buy lunches or not.
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Thanks for the info Henry. Will keep in mind...I won't want any curry smell in my car after servicing maan.
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Cheers to BMW-SG!!! One of the best informative Forum so far

Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

Hey .. can understand your frustration.. .but don't let matter rest feedback to SALES dept . . . .
Re: valuable Newbie lesson...

it is not acceptable for testing the car more than 100km !!! If I were you, I will see what is the problem first and see if they really travel so much? If not, ask for justification and don't let the matter rest. Somehow feel being abused.


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