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Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

looks like a big gathering at rod's place this saturday...!

babe, ai lim mai?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

I'll bring some chips and munchies...
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Opposite only got Heini, Carls and Harimau...So ai lim mai?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

astrosky;353223 said:
Whats the diff between the 3?

The 7ZX and 8ZR are meant for your engine. 7 ZX is spec 1 while 8ZR is spec 2. The 6ZC are the long thread plugs that are meant for the 6 cyl valvetronic engines..

Gonna post pics soon..Stay tuned..

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

R2D;353277 said:
Opposite only got Heini, Carls and Harimau...So ai lim mai?

make sure u lim with me this time round hor... later u said i no life again... drink beer in the noon.... hahaha... so i see u this sat ah...:D
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Phil... don't want la..car so slow.... later SOMEONE gonna laugh at me again liao... but for sure will give review after changing... kekeke....
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

walau, your scared of a 318. Im already laughing at you

get the ignition mod as well, then you will know
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Wah.. So many people going.. i am on reservice, dunno can book out or not.. Haizzz
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

R2D;353288 said:
The 7ZX and 8ZR are meant for your engine. 7 ZX is spec 1 while 8ZR is spec 2. The 6ZC are the long thread plugs that are meant for the 6 cyl valvetronic engines..

Gonna post pics soon..Stay tuned..


hrmm so 7zx better or 8zr better?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

R2D;353612 said:
If you are a hard driver, then the spec II is clearly better due to the design. If you are the type to potter around at

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