wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

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Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Pity for those in chc! May the Lord bless them and open their mind!
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC


Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

confirm should be reclassified as cult.... dare to say these sort of things...
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

His acting skills are quite bad but the goons still clap. Speechless.
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Back to topic, please.
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Some people actually think they are DEMI-GODS.......
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

If my 4D and Toto never tio, I dont dare to ask Dua Pek Kong for an apology...
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

KH lied although God did spoke to him but KH twisted His words.

I had a vision where I was told; because KH prayed for help, God actually replied to him with this statement - "I am Sorry I cannot help you, who asked you to use my Name to cheat. Serve you right. Thank you."
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Not for us mortals to cast stones for he will get what he deserves in the Kingdom of the Lord.
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

It is not simply a cult or a congregation. IMO, this is a network to get acquainted with the rich and famous, hoping to get rich and atas and to be seen. To appear as elites and successful by rubbing shoulders with the so-called best breed. By joining this group and get into the inner circle, you need to believe (or act to believe) KH's shite sermons smell like pandang cake and have bullet-proof thick-skinned face which can withstand scrutiny. All in the pretense of God and greater good whatsoever.

But the results are worth it if you manage to be admitted to the 'elite club'. You will become well-connected, attain semi popstar status, rich, 'respected', and marry (date) some very chio bu. People go there for these reasons. Not to pray, not to be conned (well... not deliberately), not trying to be a better person but mostly lured by greed and misguided principles in life. And how many in this big congregation became truly successful? I say 10%.. and those are people close to fxcker KH who pillage and ransack the rest. The other 90%? Just wannabes, dimwits and greedy fools.
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Wow..... now got religious posers. But I tend to agreed tho. Some
Friend used to think chc is a high society upper class church. He bragged with pride, no more tho
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

In layman terms, its a membership club
Re: wah god said sorry n thank u to pastor KHFC

Next month I am going to Kallang carpark F to get acquainted with the rich and famous, hoping to get rich and atas and to be seen. Sart!!!
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