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Want To Buy E30...


Well-Known Member
Hi there everyone.

As the title says, i am looking to buy an E30 saloon / coupe / convertible. Hoping to surprise my wife on her birthday next year, so would like to get one soon and start doing it up (if necessary).

Since it's going to be a ladies car, i think the 2 top prerequisites are that it must at least be in a decent aesthetic condition and it MUST be relatively fuss free mechanics wise. (Don't know if i'm being unrealistic here...)

Please feel free to reply to this thread or sms me @ 96910545. if you have pics, it would be even better. thanks!!

Re: Want To Buy E30...

hi, sms-d u earlier.. this is the link to the car i'm recommending u

BMW 320IA (COE till 11/2008) Details - sgCarMart

.. just to be clear.. i'm not related to the seller or the dealer; I'm just hopin that she'd be in good hands again..As far as when she was in my hands i did an extensive amount of restoration work on her.. zero rust & perfect mechanicals for sure (thanks to the previous owner's TLC too)..

only thing is yu'd have to do is buy the 10yr-coe to justify the selling price. Averaged out, it makes perfect asense

i'd recommend u have a thorough check on her if yr keen tho.. & if its all systems go.. i'd be happy that she'll be in good hands again..

ps: u need more info and/or pics lemme know

Re: Want To Buy E30...

Hi bro blitzer.

thanks for the link. i've actually seen that car in sgcarmart before. would you happen to know what the selling price is at the moment? cos it's not stated on the sgcarmart website. also, would you happen to know what the market rate for E30s is like at the moment? i'm not too well informed about them, so dont really know whats a reasonable price and what is not. are they comparable to the prices of the E34 5-series being sold in sgcarmart? cheaper? more expensive? any info you provide will be a big help. thanks again!

Re: Want To Buy E30...

ravashanks;263363 said:
Hi bro blitzer.

thanks for the link. i've actually seen that car in sgcarmart before. would you happen to know what the selling price is at the moment? cos it's not stated on the sgcarmart website. also, would you happen to know what the market rate for E30s is like at the moment? i'm not too well informed about them, so dont really know whats a reasonable price and what is not. are they comparable to the prices of the E34 5-series being sold in sgcarmart? cheaper? more expensive? any info you provide will be a big help. thanks again!



if i'm not wrong; he's lookin at around 25k-ish.. negotiable i suppose... the car's got a few more months b4 the COE is due for renewal so i guess based on that, some discount can be negotiated

as for a 30's dep.. that is a tuf one as there are hardly a handful of 320-30s left in the market. Most of the 30 are either 316s or 318s. So i guess, yu'd have to base the residual value purely on paper. I bought the car in de region of the mid 10ks, of course taking into account the work that the previous owner put in also. But at that time, the paper value was around 7-8k.

In this case; its a case of factoring the restoration costs with a view to a 10-yr renewal. Currently residual value would be around 5-6 k perhaps?.. (cant remember the details)

i guess in general, if i'm not too off the curve.. the general depreciation of a 30 is basically around 3k/yr...:juggle:

The 34 definitely commands a better market basically because it is a bigger vehicle, even if the engine is the same. Hence the 30 will enjoy a discount to the 34s depreciation.

hope this helps! maybe the 30 bros around can enlighten more on the accurate market value of the 30

Most important of all is of course not to buy a lemon.. irregardless of value


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