Water sticks to windscreen (front n rear only)


Well-Known Member
Dear all, need ur experience n expertise on this problem i have. My ride is the e46 318 f/l. Recently, when it rains, the rain water realy sticks the front n rear windscreen (like a taxi windscreen :( ) strange this is the side windows are ok. Rain water just gather as droplets n fly off when the car moves.

The windscreen used to be like that too. no nid for those aftermarket oils, polish etc. because the surface of the bmw windscreen are highly polished (like our spectacle glasses), and thus just hv to keep it clean to get this non-stick effect.

howver, recently, even if i tried stronger detergents, or even mama lemon, glass cleaners etc., still no help. I am thinkin of almost resorting to using Autoglyms Glass Polish. This used to work well on Japanese cars, as the windscreen is by nature quite rough. But when i tried it on my ex-ride (E36) it was disastrous. That was when i knew abt bmw's highly polished windscreen, so just keepin it clean was more than enuf.

Anyone facing this problem with their e46 care to share their experience? is the e46 glass inferior to the e36? or is there something i did wrong? btw, i do not go for auto car wash, just the manual ones...

Thanks in advance.
Re: Water sticks to windscreen (front n rear only)

I use autoglym on ALL my cars with good results. Have u tried RainX?
Re: Water sticks to windscreen (front n rear only)

It's all to do with surface tension. If there is some wax on your windscreen from your car shampoo the the water will bead up and "fly off". If you use strong detergents and screen polish the water will never bead. Rain-x will definitely help!
Re: Water sticks to windscreen (front n rear only)

just a word of caution, rain-x might cause wipers to judder. not recommended for the front windscreen.
Re: Water sticks to windscreen (front n rear only)

thanks for the feedback! RainX is the oil type rite? I'll try the autoglym this weekend...

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