Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Same odds that England will be beaten in 2 consecutive minutes !!!

But seriously, it could have been a Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, or whatever. It is supposed to be the driver - not the car. Just happened that you have attracted the attention of two Merc both in the same day.

Wonder if the encounter will be different had the two drivers been chio bu's?
yep it just so happens that both are mercs. anyway i drive merc also, so there. chio bu? i think you have been brainwashed by the citibank gold concierge commercials.
No. It is perfectly normal to associate cognitive pairs such as car/chio bu and beer/chio bu. At least from the perspective of behavioural science.

How often do you see (in commercials and movies) a pair of nice legs on heels appearing from behind opening car doors? Or chio bu's in convertibles?

How often do you see in advertisements that beer drinkers are partying with chicks?

In some psychology terms not known to me, it appears similar to the red lips/strawberry pairing, does it not?
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

Speaking of Mercedes Benz
Last Monday,..I came across 3 AMG55s in one day.
One was the Black S55 parked in my office, then on my way home from work, a black C55 (kinda chasing me from behind dunno for what) then when near home a silver E55...
Is it a sign? hmmm...
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

Everyday I have encounter with Merc, sometimes Volvo and they are all TCed...

I usually chase after them, sometimes I win sometimes I lose.

When I win, I will board the bus and smile at the bus captain. otherwise, I will curse at the driver behhind one thick cloud of black smoke.. ;)
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

What are the chances that those C55s you see on the road are really actually highly facelifted "C180s" - 50% or more? Or am I missing out some details? nevermind.
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

I oso had a fun experience on tuesday.

ECP, 4pm. Nice sunny day, cruisin along centre lane after Fort Rd exit. This E240 decides he wants some horizontal pokee pokee, nearly creams my left indicator while he slices in front of me. And tho it wasn't bumper to bumper, it was still not really enough space for him to do that. Luckily, i have the reflexes of a sloth....din move..

then he proceeds to display that he owns the entire ecp. changing into 1st lane, cannot move fwd, changes back in front of me. so a little space comes up....and i do the same:" REACHING to pluck his eyebrows" kind of overtake. And he gets pissed. Blasts his horn.

What happened next is unmentionable because I'm a law abiding citizen.

Old man...with a too old wife next to him. Man's got long fingers i tell u...hahahaha..i already dial 995 in case i overtake n see his wife clutching her chest..loony tune dis fella..

Dunno wat came over me...normally it's just nice enough to cruise...maybe obit not such a good idea...hahahaha
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

I also met a weird E200 komp bald-head uncle yesterday night. I was the first car at the traffic light junction and when the lights turned green i moved off. Then i saw that a car was stopped in front on my lane, so i signalled and wanted to move over to the right lane, but this merc surged foward and refused to let me go, so i slowed down hoping to cut in behind him, but this joker also slows down and doesn't want to let me cut into his lane. Duh....don't know what is wrong with this guy. Then at the next traffic junction, i pull alongside him and he stares at me like i was the one who pulled out all his hair. When the lights turn green, he sprinted off while i took my time to move off....what a loser, who wants to race him!!!
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

maybe merkies oso have a forum of their own, and in the span of that 1 day, the S-Class fella already broadcasted his morning experience to his khakis (mentioning your plate, maybe?), then the C-Class guy suddenly realised you're THE ONE, only after you're like 5-10 cars length passed him (thanks to his super-fast reflexes), and so decided that he should bark at you like his friend did?

or is it your ride got really nice butt that he can't help but want to have a bite on it?

doesn't make sense? nevermind.
lost my mind this morning, do don't bother with my post.
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

was at adam food centre last nite to 'ta pau' usual dinner time was crowded....n i was waiting for a lot. 2 cars pulled out at same time next to each other...2 lots available suddenly...i was behind a e200...queuing for that 2 slots...
guess what? he went in n took up 2 lots! i opened me windows n 'hey mister' him. he nonchalantly walked away....fed up...i parked right across his bow...
after 10 mins i came out..n saw that he also 'ta pau' n was waiting for me to drive away. he started yelling at me...i just stared at him n smile.....felt good.
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

coming home last night, I was on Lornie road and in front of me there was a blue Merc which was hogging 2 lanes (ie. straddling the white line) and drving at only 50 - 60 kmh. Naturally, I closed up on him and honked and flashed my lights. Guess what? No response. tried a few more times, and still no response. Luckily, I had an opening on the extreme left lane and over took the bleeding car. The driver was a woman who was sitting so close to the wheel that she could have been steering it with her tongue. Worst of all, she stared at me as if I had done something wrong....
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

totoseow said:
was at adam food centre last nite to 'ta pau' usual dinner time was crowded....n i was waiting for a lot. 2 cars pulled out at same time next to each other...2 lots available suddenly...i was behind a e200...queuing for that 2 slots...
guess what? he went in n took up 2 lots! i opened me windows n 'hey mister' him. he nonchalantly walked away....fed up...i parked right across his bow...
after 10 mins i came out..n saw that he also 'ta pau' n was waiting for me to drive away. he started yelling at me...i just stared at him n smile.....felt good.

Hahahahaha! what a joke :) damn funny... he still park in 2 lots even though there are pple who are queuing up for lots! So thick skin!
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

I will go and scratch the guys car liao loh... bleedin inconsiderate. and they say Singapore is a cultured society...
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind many negative feeling for the pointed star.

Maybe the next commercial they can add...

S Class owner....15 BMW creamed and counting

A car that is faithful to the owner and the owner is faithful to the car.

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Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

MRacer77 said:
........ Luckily, I had an opening on the extreme left lane and over took the bleeding car. ........... Worst of all, she stared at me as if I had done something wrong....

Yes you did, you overtook on the left lane!!

Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

hahaa so funny. do you realise this thread is like 10 months old
Re: Weird Encounters with the Merc Kind

That's weird, 8 outta 10 mercs that I pounced from the rear usually gets outta my way..... Maybe becoz they can see my pissed off face in their rear view mirror? Hahahahaha....

Well as for the remaining 2, usually with 'P' plate so gib chance lah hor... Back off a little kekekeke

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