what to look out for when FC ( fuel consumption ) is high?


Well-Known Member
I would like to know what to look for when yr FC goes a little higher. I have a few things that I am aware of and would like to know what you guys ( the experts) thinks. Currently I have a checklist and was wondering what did I miss out.......

Here is what I know :
1. spark plugs
2. ensure tyres are pumped correctly
3. check fan and engine belts
4. engine oil
5. air filter
6. yr style of driving
7. % of travelling on Highways and % start-stop traffic
8. Traffice Jams :-( ** Best culprit - it sucks up the most petrol **)

Pls add if you know other factors as well.
Thank you very much for yr kind replies and expert advices!
Check your O2 sensor working or not.