Practice foresight, not hindsight. Easy for us to look at a situation and give comments. Wait till it happens to ourselves....
P.s. hello euphoria. I m getting confused if you are a bro or sis. Haha. If the former, for god sake don't interfere. Guys will always be branded the bastard with hidden agenda for telling on another guy, albeit him being in the wrong. No guys are saint, sorry, so I always tell myself don't play god and try tread the moral high ground.
If the latter sex, I can empathize the sis-to-sis thingy and how you have to tell a fellow women. But truth is ( and as one of the bros here shared in another post) you will def lose the friendship one way or another. Too many of such incidences happened. Moral high ground? I rather save my efforts around my herd. What goes around comes round. History is a scarily accurate indicator.