What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

hey guys, it seems this thread haven't been updated for quite some time. so let me begin my first post on this forum by sharing what started my love for Beemers.

It started not long a ago, a few months back when i researching on vintage cars for a project. I was casually glancing the visuals when one of the car caught my attention. It was a shiny red BMW 507.
I was mesmerized by it immediately as it was one of the most beautiful cars i've seen. This got me started into looking further into informations on BMW and their cars, and i was immediately sold.

Though i've always been more geared towards japanese cars for their affordability, now my views are different. I hope to be able to own my own BMW in the near future (work in progress). :)

Now my aim is to get a 2nd hand 2004 BMW E46 318i (i prefer this over the E90), next target, the new Z4. lol. and my ultimate impossible dream is to own a BMW 507. This is quite improbable la but at least can go to Germany's BMW museum to see one in real life will be good enough for me. lol.. Cheers.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Since 16 years old....tried to stay away from BMW ever since I got my first ride because I knew its gonna be a addiction.....finally gave in 3 years ago...no turning back.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Ever since I signed on the dotted line almost 3 wks back...hahah:cool:
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

is when i started working for my dad during school holidays.... those days he drove a pick-up.
so i sat beside eating wind........ as many car drove pass us of cos.
Then at the traffic light stop, there is these Beemer....(i wonder..... when will i be able to).
the rest is history.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

After being chase and over take by a BMW .
Can't fight it , Join It !
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW


Hope you guys dont mind me posting here, or being a member of this forum for that matter (i'm only 15 this year going 16)
I joined this forum on the behalf of my dad as he is purchasing a 6 series soon.

Here's my story:

In the past, I didn't care much about cars. As long as it can go point A to B it's a good car. However in 2004, when my dad joined a new company with a high paying salary, things became a little different.

Then, he was driving a humble Hyundai Sonata Gold. His colleagues however were driving Lexus LS, 5 Series, etc.

It was then that i started to pick on the uncomfortable ride, inadequate legroom, etc etc.

My love for cars then came alive in 2006, when my dad's company bought him a Traventine Beige W221 S350 (he bluffed me at first saying he will "try" to get an E-class)

I was really impressed with the "wow" factor of the car, would always get curious stares from the public. Love the comfort, sunblinds and legroom of this very big car. BMW back then to me was a car much inferior to Merc. (My dad's colleague had a 730Li)

However, I started to take notice of BMW I saw a 6 series. Was really impressed with the design.

I fell in love.

I'm in St Joseph's now, and there are qutie a number of wealthy kids there.

One of them had a Gallardo SE, Boxster RS60 Spyder, S-Class and a 630i Cabrio.

It was there that my love for expensive cars palpitated. (My classmates had a 599GTB, 911s. Theres even one student whose dad has 11 cars, ranging from Rolls Royce to Lambos.)

Then as I wanted my dad to get a coupe, I started my attack.

I told him that he didnt't have to give me pocket money anymore, it's my contribution to the car. I then read up on depreciation, maintainence, scrap value, etc and sent him countless spreadsheets comparing different marques- ranging from a Lamborghini Gallardo, Maserati Granturismo to a GTR.

Had some "psychological warfare" in the middle, which I won't divulge.

Finally, I succeeded and my dad told me his budget. It was a no-brainer of course.

Apologies for the long winded story :)
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Woa... I'm impressed with the number of rich kids around nowadays. No offends. :)

My story's pretty simple. Came from a humble background, studied at a neighbourhood school.

I remembered when we were in Pri school, our friends would choose the girls we like in class, and gave them nicknames according to car names. E.g. Honda Accord, Toyota Corolla, BMW, etc etc

The girl I fancied was nicknamed BMW, which so happens stand for Big Mouth Woman in those days. :p

Nonetheless, I'm driving a German marque now, though not a BMW, YET.

Sometimes, come to think of it, most of us who weren't born with a silver spoon, came a long way to where we are today. Driving a BMW, carrying LV, wearing Rolex, etc... Nostalgic at times, I must say.
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Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

I've had a love-hate relationship with BMWs.

When I was in school, I used to study hard because I hoped that my parents would reward me with a BMW 316 (which I would debadge) for spending my time buried in books. I loved it. I sacrificed my teenage convent girl fondling days for it so that I could look forward to fondling models in the future. They promised a car. Okay then, come university and law school, I got a crappy van. I'm pretty sure a van is not a car. That van was the bane of my university sex life. The rich kids in school got to score chicks with daddy's BMW and I got zilch. I could score better without it and I ditched the van by crashing it into everything solid I could find. Taxis. Trees. Walls. Concrete bollards. There is not a car park in Singapore that did not have my paint on its walls. I abused it till it leaked water, had an overheating problem, more dents than Rocky Balboa's face and yet going over humps at 70kmh did not seem to break the drive shaft at all. I hated BMWs because I could not have one. I was convinced my girlfriend broke up with me because I had no BMW. I cursed BMW for the beacon of its brand cachet and its ability to turn normal women into vacous brand whores.

When i went to work, I maintained a two-door only policy by buying sports cars but never BMWs. Even though I now had the money, I beat the Jeremy Clarkson drum. "BMWs are for Cocks". "M3 drivers have no friends". I found much amusement in stealing girlfriends from guys who drove BMW 320s. I even occasionally terrorised BMW convertible drivers by blasting the vilest of black exhaust smoke from my abused van into their face when I saw them stopped behind me at a traffic light.

But it gets you in the end. Like that first love, it abuses you and you still want it. My friends got BMWs. 323s, 525s. I still hate almost all BMWs, but I respect its technical ability tremendously. I despise the snobbish people that drive them, but only because I am secretly one of them and I have been going against my nature for too long. I'm a Cock and I'm looking for a 335 coupe with black seats.

P.S. that damn Mercedes Benz van still won't die. I sent it to be scrapped and that scummy dealer sold it to an idiot that lives near my mother-in-law.
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Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

It happened one night when a 3 series tail gated me on my Ford Mondeo and the angel headlights....omy

Now I've got my own .....sibei shiok ah......
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Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Long ago my first car was a 320i then a 520i and then none for a long time.....now thinking of the 7 or the 6.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

i have always loved BMW's, when i was done with with college i wasn't sure what career path i wanted but i had a liking towards angel eyes so here we are today. some days, i dream about different color angel eyes on all BMW's.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

When I was in kindergarten, I was already a car freak. One day, I saw a 'weird' but 'unique' orange car that has a shark lookalike front wth 2 round headlights each side parked at an open car park. It was so outstanding that stood out from the rest of the cars then. I then went to ask my dad what was that car. My dad replied that it was a BMW and started to tell me how prestigious and popular was the brand. Being a kid, it immediately got embedded in my head that BMW is a great and prestige car since then... and even till now. It has since been my dream car of 30 years.

As I don't grow up wth a silver spoon and being an 'employee' myself, I set myself a realistic target to own a brand new BMW by the age of 40 (I know it's too old to many here). I keep working towards my goals all these years and today, I had finally signed on the dotted line to own my first brand new BMW. Although the 318i is among the lowest range of the prestigious brand, I am still proud to have achieve my goals earlier than expected. Looking forward to the delivery of my car now. :shakemyb:
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Started young. Bought a BMW in my twenties. It grew from love to hate. Divorced the sob.. Swore never again a BMW. After many years of messing around with Japanese work horses, the lack of life over took me. Got married second time with the monster, beast whatever...now in love again...everywhere, getting free parking outside posh hotels, casinos, and respected by all. What a hate-able and simplistic world.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Always thot most bmw drivers are snobs on the roads.tried audi..merc n finally bm..began to understand y when took the first corner in one..no debate. Rest is history. Selling current ride n getting new ride..it will still b a bm.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

Always loved the BMW 2002. Read a couple of reviews about how the original 1 series Tii concept was a throwback to the 2002 and was intrigued. Found a 1er for a good price recently so I sold the GTi and here I am today...
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

it all started with a drive in an e90,the way it take corners makes me fall for the name.
Re: What's The Start Of Your Love For BMW

I just like the look of BMW with lowered suspension... leaving very little gap between the wheel arch & tyres...

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