Thanks. Glad to know that and I feel the same way. Breytons are way overpriced for what they are worth, ie made in China. There is no difference than replica other than the design is original and possibly better QC. We assume that it is.
I really dislike the fact he only recommended and pushed Breyton rims only despite needing spacers. And when I asked for the m6 look on a 7 series, he said cannot. Wait, I though he uses spacers to begin with so any rims that fit old 5 should be able to fit right? He said, "yah but haven't tried spacers with replica". Anyway he didn't seem keen. Kept asking my budget. Why does he think it's all about someone's budget? It's just that we won't wanna spend unnecessarily or buy some inferior product. Will definitely check out LS and the new top93. I thought of giving ray a chance but too bad. Not sincere. Will look for one with good quality and one that fits perfectly with no spacers required. Stay stock 18" if must.