Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?


Well-Known Member
Why Audi price drop faster than BMW

Ist cos brand name or just depreciation or jus demand for BMW is stronger

I am lookin at the S5 used ones tempted
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

Audinis an honest brand
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

golilok;723283 said:
Why Audi price drop faster than BMW

Ist cos brand name or just depreciation or jus demand for BMW is stronger

I am lookin at the S5 used ones tempted

My experience during my car search speaks otherwise.....Was looking at preowned A4 but pricing jus way out of my budget....
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

+1 ... sgcarmart pricing for used A4 1.8 and 2.0 is "double confirmed" above 320i and 325i (compare similar capacity / age / milleage / etc)

het;723319 said:
My experience during my car search speaks otherwise.....Was looking at preowned A4 but pricing jus way out of my budget....
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

wt_know;723368 said:
+1 ... sgcarmart pricing for used A4 1.8 and 2.0 is "double confirmed" above 320i and 325i (compare similar capacity / age / milleage / etc)

325I no torque
Robot say one
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

In spore all luxury marques with small cc turbo engine seems to have better resale value that the big cc engine....My contractor bought a 2007 S350L with 8k done (from some indo tycoon) at 145k...and my friend bought a 2007 LS460L 13k done at about 145k too....
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

All of those cheap cars must be under TWM warranty
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

sounds good to me, pay less for more..
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

My colleague told me Audi very hard to sell off in resale market.
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

Actually I feel the new Audi cars is kind of overpriced. So in resale mkt, sellers oso not willing to sell low otherwise they loss $$.. so in the end, is not easy to sell unless is a good deal for the buyers
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

coz audi steering flaccid n soft, bmw steering hard & erect.
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

My condolences to Hitmee and Iscoupe
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

BMW Prices are higher but cannot sell. stuck for life.ask mw
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?


audi - always buy second hand. first hand lose big
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

Audi SEs are shitty. When i was looking at A6, i quite keen on the 3.0T. SE like see me no up. Keep telling me 2.0 and 2.8 best deal. I told him the bloody interior is like toyota feel to me and very plain. Equipment level also bad. He never bother to tell me more abt 3.0T. Price nego also lousy. When i keen, give me lousy trade in and discount. After a few days and call me say can give me discount. By then i change to 523i already. Pui!
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

U shd bring Hitmee with u. The SE will say give u better discount coz u good father, bring ur kid to buy car
Re: Why Audi price drop faster than BMW?

My friend wants to buy A5, this paul guy treated him like a idiot. Ask him if he is ok with electric chair, familiar or not. Think my friend is retarded is it. Worse. Cause he got a new license so the license issue date is very new though he got them for more than 5 years. They tell him cannot test drive...cause "new" license holder.

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