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WTB : 630i

Re: WTB : 630i

hackzi said:
This 645 cab seems to fit the decription... except that it's going for 278k instead of 240k. Mileage is a little high though.


Maybe Mr. Nutty can get a very good discount with this dealer.......if tat is the case, i think ryan should contact this nutty fellow to get his "great" lobang..

if not, i am sure this nut will bear the difference from the advert price and his understated price.....i am sure he will honour his words....
Re: WTB : 630i

I've removed un-neccessary posts in this thread in order to keep to the thread topic. To the parties involved, please check your PMs.

Re: WTB : 630i

I actually went down to motorway tdy they had a 645 and a 545, frankly the 545 not worth thr price but the 645 was nice, although cant understand the glass roof that doesnt open but lifts up...asking 260k
Re: WTB : 630i

33 said:
Maybe Mr. Nutty can get a very good discount with this dealer.......if tat is the case, i think ryan should contact this nutty fellow to get his "great" lobang..

if not, i am sure this nut will bear the difference from the advert price and his understated price.....i am sure he will honour his words....
Bro, I hope he does..for all his PNNB and CB words, let's see how well he will farking stick to his words. KNN, people cannot have headache buying their own 2 choices of cars??
Re: WTB : 630i

yupe this is the car...but seriously....they advertised only S$258K about 2 weeks ago. And the mileage so high, sure can nego till cheap cheap one....if not, cannot sell la...
Re: WTB : 630i

hoks said:
That means Hin Lung has 3 units for sale...u beoing this car also?
Hi HoKS, nah... can't afford another car change for now. Personally, I don't really like the looks of the 6ers. ;-)
Re: WTB : 630i

Initially me too....but I starting to like it....:p But a tad too long lah...
Re: WTB : 630i

Rear and profile are alright... can't tahan the front especially the headlights. Anyway, that's just me.... ;-)

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