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WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)


Well-Known Member
Greetings and salutations !

I'm going to buy a 316ia anytime this week. Must be well maintained, and leave present owner depressed upon parting. :)

If anyone wishes to let go of theirs, please do call/sms me at HP 90010739 right away. Cheers !
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

Actually i'm willing to let go my E30 316iA if ur interested..... It only needs repaint, engine is upgraded to 318i hehehehe changed almost all wear and tear parts and car running perfectly
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

Why don't U go for 320i?
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

Hi Ersalle71 !

I've always liked the E30s. Its the first BMW that I remember being impressed by. I definitely prefer the older ladies, the enduring quality just turns me on . ;-))

I can well imagine tinkering away with a nice COE-renewed E30 and driving everywhere *slowly* with thick gold chains (genuine), oversized shades, lapelled shirt and a fake cigar smouldering at the end of my mug, pulling up to a street bakuteh stall and having both jackie chan and maggie cheung getting in.

Alternatively, of course, I can hand it over to MTV and have them pimp up my ride. Guess it won't count for much in this non-car culture country of ours.

However, I have not acquired the right maturity, temperament and stature to handle these beauties. I shall start meekly, with 4 cylinders and work upwards, slowly.

Your car looks great. Why are you breaking up with it?
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

...am concerned that the 320I drinks more enthusiastically than I do. :( Anyway no autobahn in singapore, only pie, and I hardly ever go to malaysia, so I didn't see the point.

Have I lost my marbles ?
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

Well Roberto, the reason is that i don't drive much going to work since i'm staying in JB and working in Singapore. So every day i commute in and out using public transport(Bus), its cheaper and less headache and i am not in a hurry to rush to work and home ehhehehehe. Well start off with M40 engine Roberto, they are less headache and cheap to maintain. Parts very cheap, surprisingly cheap too :)). To be honest, its not worth driving a 2litre and above in singapore, the road tax is a real killer.....yuuuuucccccckkkkkksss....and sillyland has no autobahn, its just not practical....me thinking of getting m'sian car for long distance travelling in m'sia, an E39 525 and above perhaps hehehehhe
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

Thanks dude much appreciated for the heads up. Do you know anyone who has at 316ia to let go? E35 model. :)) No responses for this aw sad !
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

I'm quite certain there ain't anyone owning an E35, much to say let go... ahemm...
Re: WTB : E36 316ia (1994 or earlier)

ersalle71;152848 said:
Actually i'm willing to let go my E30 316iA if ur interested..... It only needs repaint, engine is upgraded to 318i hehehehe changed almost all wear and tear parts and car running perfectly

Hey... how much u letting? Driving a 'old' E30 would be quite nice! I always have a thing with old stuff.... or maybe I am just getting older myself... :oops:

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