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WTB : e46 Coupe


Well-Known Member
Considering the above. Preferably with some mods (cosmetic or otherwise).
04 onwards only. Pls PM me with details, including YOM, COE, OMV etc.. Thanks.
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

I think Rex7Vtec's 2004 black 330 couple still available.
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

i donno still got anot!! but i go to my friend car dealer shop at katong mall.. got 1 e46 couple left donno how many yrs!! the shop name is GV.. only 20+ k
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

henry_es said:
no la... this my car!:)

Your car is too big. Your signature has to be smaller than that. Kindly resize your picture pls.
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

BUMP ...

sorry 325 and 330 out of my consideration at this moment... thanks.

Pls PM me those who are selling
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

Hmmm in all honesty, for an 04-onwards coupe, the prices aren't going to drop much from that one. Check out this link:


The previous owner of the car I just showed you is actually a fellow forummer, haven't seen him around of late but if I'm not mistaken, he's parting out with his coupe because of an overseas posting. I think. If you're really interested, see if you can form some kind of a better deal with him, cause I ran a few searches myself and couldn't find any more up on the market that isn't a pre-facelift or already sold for that matter.
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

THanks again.... i think there are other choices at $11800 depreciation a year.. but your opinoin totally appreciated :)
Re: WTB : e46 Coupe

No problem. (I drive the same car see...hehe) Good luck though! And post if you find anything.

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