WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her


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Angelina Jolie lookalike 'stabs taxi driver for refusing to have sex with her' | Mail Online




A Romanian taxi driver claims a sex-crazed Angelina Jolie lookalike passenger stabbed him after he refused to satisfy her for a third time.

Nicolae Stan told police stunning Luminita Perijoc, 30, had already forced him at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex.

He claims Perijoc had asked him to help her with his bags but once inside her apartment she demanded sex.

When he refused she allegedly pulled out a knife and forced him to undress.

Police investigating his claims say the Perijoc's behaviour may have been down to the fact she was on medication at the time.

Mr Stan said that his life has been made a misery by pals ribbing him about the fact that he had turned down the beautiful double of the Hollywood star.

He said: 'It is terrible. I am now a local celebrity, every one is talking about me.

'They don't understand why I refused her, but they do not know what it is like to have a mad woman yelling at you at knife point. (idiot)

'They look at her, then look at me an laugh. But I think anyone would find it impossible to perform with a knife at their throat even if they were with Miss Romania.'

'She asked me to help with her bag but when we were upstairs she got me in to her kitchen and told me she had to have sex with me,' claimed the married dad-of-three.

'I think she wasn't used to anyone saying no because she flew into a rage when I declined. She took out a knife and forced me to undress and have sex with her.

'But she wasn't satisfied and wanted sex again.

'When I refused she attacked me with a knife, and forced me to have oral sex with her but she still stabbed me,' he added.

Friends told local media that Perijoc is a huge fan of actress Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star.

Mr Stan says he only escaped when he managed to barricade himself into a bedroom and dial 999 on his mobile phone.

Police say he was taken to hospital with more than half a dozen stab wounds.

'We are interviewing both parties to discover what could have happened,' said a police spokesman.

Read more: Angelina Jolie lookalike 'stabs taxi driver for refusing to have sex with her' | Mail Online
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Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

No I am worried I kenna clients like that.
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

Basic Instincts, that ice pick scene....
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

Hmmmmmmmmmm............ i'm goin to get myself a taxi lic........ :chinese::chinese:
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

milk15;882179 said:
Hmmmmmmmmmm............ i'm goin to get myself a taxi lic........ :chinese::chinese:

What colour taxi you like? I get one for you tonight... :D
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

C3P0;882189 said:
What colour taxi you like? I get one for you tonight... :D

Aything that is not in GOLD....... if not passengers will FAINT............
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

I open up this thread, got sex-crazed woman photo.

Got Kentonna's signature.

Got Guni and Dino Hunter's avatars.

turtle people think I'm surfing pawn!
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

kenntona;882156 said:
No I am worried I kenna clients like that.

you will not get such things la.... cos it amounts to raping....since its sex by 'force' / un consentually..... then sure kena jail term like that fortune teller dude.

but the girl can turn around and say cos you handsome and she could not help herself...thereby stroking your ego and you will drop all charges against her.
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

jasonmaxima;882218 said:
you will not get such things la.... cos it amounts to raping....since its sex by 'force' / un consentually..... then sure kena jail term like that fortune teller dude.

but the girl can turn around and say cos you handsome and she could not help herself...thereby stroking your ego and you will drop all charges against her.

but but but.... Kenn entertain role play one .... :chinese:
Re: WTF: Sex-crazed woman stabs taxi driver for refusing to satisfy her

....could be sick...possibly a nymphomaniac ..

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