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WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

actually BBS CHR rims are DAMN nice..esp for E9X cos make the car look sibeh sart,....

but will probably look "small" on an F10
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Agree with you but on my F10 looks ok as long u lowered it ba
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

I am selling at 4.5k..... still negotiable. Not 5k already.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

4.5k u can get brand new lo. with trade in of coz
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

TYRE ALR COST 2k+, rims alone 3.8k... u get a 4.5 brand new, i buy 100 sets.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Bro go and check out the price first.... don't alibaba with me seriously. what 4.5k can get a new piece... my tyres not those chui type.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

i already said, with trade in. please dont do selective reading.

many of the bros here also using CH-R 19". u may check with them, 4.5k can get or not with trade in.

after all, your sales thread. my apologies if i offended u in some way. cheers.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Yup, no offence too. I know if with trade in it can get it but some would want to keep their stock rims when they wanna sell of their car with it. Furthermore, I not asking for a swap too.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

No offence but once the NEW rims and tyre are installed and hit the tyre shop floor...considered SOLD and USED. Mark to market for used accessories should be 30% to 50% less, subject to willing buyer willing seller principle.
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Xiaopang;933784 said:

Pictures are worth more a thousand words....and as I am a fan of BBS CH rims, I kaypoh help you post some pics...
Re: WTS 19'' BBS-CHR RIMS w Michelin PSS tyres

Very nice and willing to commit if everything fits but he wants to sell with tyres only

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