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WTS:F10 520i


Hi all .i'm selling my 520i with all accessories ,BBK 380mm 8pot recently Change new brake pad,back white face tailight or red org f10 taillight u choice,H&R lower spring,sprint booster,m-sport front,Quad exhaust tip... Description: 20"sport rims japan Vienna,PML unit under warranty service by agent,nano paint protect and weekly wash wax,leather black colour. Features: 2.0L 4 cylinders inline BMW twin power turbo 184Bhp,8speed step tropic auto,ABS ,traction,cruise control. Selling price: $188,000 Coe:$78,189 Omv:$41919 road tax: 1210/year. No.of owner: 1. Mileage: 34000km. Reg.date: 24-feb-2012. Contact: 92339906 James /Email:jamestoh71@hotmail.com. Just call me to views ride or find out more thanks all!! Noted!New 2014 offer $185,777!!!
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Re: WTS:F10 520i

Hmmm..haha white colour must maintain sweeswee or get yellowish very fast!
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Re: WTS:F10 520i

This is a very nice maintained and beautifully mod car. Price a bit high but I think worth it. Bumps for u
Re: WTS:F10 520i

I like to Maintain cars myself is ones of my hobby haha:) well takecare rides give u higher chance of selling ...$ price can still discuss ..."""
Re: WTS:F10 520i

U jin humble.
I think the pool table is long gone by now right?
And jason sent my car to u.....
Re: WTS:F10 520i

A well maintained n clean ride also makes u zzzz peacefully at night...
Re: WTS:F10 520i

Pool table:) bro tats a long story .! Yup .. Jason spent $1m on renovation his new office at leng kee ...got news?!! I just visit his shop last week...
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Re: WTS:F10 520i

:shakemyb:happy new 2014 to all , new year offer for my ride ($185,777)and all my well kept org part that can sell,,front F10 org brake kit , back red taillight,front org gills and bumper ( all in new condition,,if u got place to keep it)org F10 spring.. all extra parts go with d ride!

Any serious buyer call me 92339906 James:)
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Re: WTS:F10 520i

:dance: thanks all bros n sis for viewing my Ride,,My cars is SOLD!!!but I have F10 org front bumper n grills , org brake kit,org spring, aftermarket roof spoiler for grab..call me 92339906 James or Email:jamestoh71@hotmail.com. Thanked:)

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