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WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

GF+A Global

Active Member
Selling a set of Moton street sport suspension for E9x. It has 15 levels of compression adjustments. One of the best suspension for both street and track use.

This is my second set used for 7months (with original receipt). Brand new with front camper plates is around 6k, letting go at 3.2k (negotiable)... (cheaper than kw v3)

Item at ST Powered workshop and already packed nicely in a box.

Any questions, pls watsapp 9zero26 497three.

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Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

Good stuffs
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

This is one solid suspension around.
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

How come you are selling after 7 months?
Good stuff lei...
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

gadaffi;1085785 said:
This is one solid suspension around.
thanks for the bump. Indeed very solid handling... better than jic competion, kwv3 and hks hyperMax

rvt;1085795 said:
How come you are selling after 7 months?
Good stuff lei...

backside itchy again and this is one of the "hidden" thing oc cant tell after i changed.:shhhh:
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

Bumps! Price revised and negotiable! One of the best suspension for E9X (318,320,323,325 & 335)
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

Bump for trustworthy and handsome seller.
Re: WTS : Moton street sport suspension for E9X

Bumps! Price negotiable, installment also can. Feel free to whatsapp me to discuss!

C3P0;1086792 said:
Bump for trustworthy and handsome seller.

Thanks brobot! i lorry face still say i handsome....when free let me know, i buy you lunch.

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