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WTS : Parts for E46 323Ci.


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Hey dude,

(1) Is yours the M-Steering wheel?
(2) Your Hamann boot / roof spoilers - are they OEMs or replicas?

Can I know in more details what u mean by Re-built M3 look-alike leather seats ??

Hey dude,

(1) Is yours the M-Steering wheel?
(2) Your Hamann boot / roof spoilers - are they OEMs or replicas?


Sorry bro, any diff between a M3-steering and M-steering? If they are the same, mine is not. Anyway, its sold. Thanks for enquiring...

Yup, OEMs....

Speedy318 said:
Can I know in more details what u mean by Re-built M3 look-alike leather seats ??



I can send you some pictures. Any email-add?
Bro, you can attach them here on this forum.

Scroll to the bottom of this page, and click "Post Reply" and you'll have an option to upload the pics to this page. :)

Everyone else can see them too!

Cheers! :)
yo bro

calvin here. please let me have a look at the aluminium trims and knobs before anyone else ok? reali sad that some stuff dun fit :(
yo bro

calvin here. please let me have a look at the aluminium trims and knobs before anyone else ok? reali sad that some stuff dun fit

Hi Calvin and all,

Manage to upload some pictures :


Hi guys,

Just an update of parts to let go....

1. *M-Aero II Kit(With Fog Light).
2. *Xenon Light. SOLD
3. *18” Rims (ATP).
4. *Re-built M3 look-alike leather seats.
5. *Multi-Control Steering Wheel(Airbag). SOLD
6. *M3 Mirror. SOLD
7. *Ti tanium Gear Knob.
8. Hamman Pedal.
9. Weicher Sports Strut-Bar.
10. 2 X SoundStream Reference Class A 3.0.
11. 1 X SoundStream Reference 700s.
12. 2 X SoundStream 10” Woofer(with box).
13. 1 X Pioneer DEH-P8450MP Head unit.

* denote swap and top-up.
Hi guys,

Update... Only 2 more items left to let go.

1. Hamman Pedal.
2. Weicher Sports Strut-Bar.

watcher said:
Hi Bro,

Did u manage to sell your rims at Ray-s?



Everything go with the car to the exporter.
Not sure what they will do with them.

So have you done up yr mirror?
CyberTron said:
Wah! so fast... was still thinking of the amp and bodykit, but sold already... too bad i guess...

Yo bro,

You should have taken them togather that day.

Since they are giving me quite a fair price, then I decided to let go everything to them....

Happy searching...

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