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WTS: Spacers and wheels


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I've the following for sale to fit E9X

1. 10mm Burger Motorsports spacers with extended bolts (perfect fitment, no vibration, INSTANT cornering improvement, in fact, better than my new wheels!! This is a simple and solid upgrade for anyone with a E9X with less aggressive offsets ) $400

2. (SOLD!) Original BMW star spoke 189 wheels, 18 inch, 8inch front, 8.5 rear. Condition 7/10. Spray painted black. Can view at Leong Seng. (great for anyone with stock 17 inch wheels who want an inexpensive upgrade to better looks and stability , PERFECT offset match with the spacers above) $300 only!

Reduced price for folks who want to buy both.

PM me for discussion, thank you!
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Re: WTS: Spacers and wheels

berntham;1051101 said:
Hi everyone, I've the following for sale to fit E9X

1. 10mm Burger Motorsports spacers with extended bolts (perfect fitment, no vibration, INSTANT cornering improvement, in fact, better than my new wheels!! This is a simple and solid upgrade for anyone with a E9X with less aggressive offsets ) $400

PM me for discussion, thank you!

Price is for 4 x spacers and 20 long bolts?
Re: WTS: Spacers and wheels

Spacers... hmm you guys better know what you are doing. It will alter suspension feel and geometry.
Re: WTS: Spacers and wheels

10mm not gonna alter much "feel".
Re: WTS: Spacers and wheels

Well, you're all pretty much right about geometry and feel... However 10mm is known to be very conservative, safe and 'drivable'...
That's not even half an inch each side, where most of us would up size our wheels beyond.
My experience with them were great, no issues with vibration as some feared. And cornering was quite significantly improved (which surprised me honestly).
Yet on hindsight, it IS EXACTLY like up sizing our wheels, that's why!
Except this case you retain tire widths...
Unless one is tracking, I'd strongly recommend this simple upgrade.
I'd keep them if my wheels aren't a little risky for it....
My few cents.

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