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WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i


Well-Known Member
Letting go carbon fibre diffuser too as a set. Price is $2500 including trade for m-sport diffuser. Quad only about 3 months old...diffuser one month old...excellent condition!


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Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i


Calling C3PO........
Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

alvinthedrummer;844574 said:
Thanks bro...

Hi bro,

i am keen .

can PM me price?

and the reason for selling?

Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

Only a few weeks old! Anyone? Or I don't mind a trade for LTA Eisenmann race quad....
Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

Hi Bro,

How much for the exhaust? Can it fit an E92 LCI Coupe 2011?Thks.U cud sms me at 92718579.
Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

Interested to trade for Arqray quad? Very high end exhaust. Can contact me at 98120012
Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

hi im interested ctc me @ 9O88 3949.

Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

Still available:

Letting go carbon fibre diffuser too as a set. Price is $2500 including trade for m-sport diffuser. Quad only about 3 months old...diffuser one month old...excellent condition!


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Re: WTS: Supersprint Quad Muffler For E92 335i

Nice exhaust sound....


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