X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Lucky check this out. I almost become kuku waiting there searching for the Hello Kitty keychain.

Take care!
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

I m here liao, any body here?liao
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm


Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Hi Guys,

when is the next X series meetup, love to meet the rest of the members. Also, does the club have decals ?
X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

bro, so you got your x5 oredi?
lets organise one soon! :)
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Yes Bro, got it loh. Very good ride, enjoyed every bit of it, just seems complicated wor the buttons and functions. Need help hahah
X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

BMWX5;892009 said:
Yes Bro, got it loh. Very good ride, enjoyed every bit of it, just seems complicated wor the buttons and functions. Need help hahah

no no. me no bro. me sis. hehe.
i wanna check out your x5 too! :)
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

oh i am so sorry sis. just stereotyping here. Please forgive me. can ah, want to see ur as well ah. Hee mine is a white 07 X5
X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

yeay!!! white!
park it next to mine so i can take pix. wud be brilliant if we can find an x3 too. :)
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

hahah u are funny gal, wat are u driving? X1, X3, X5 or X6?
Staying in the east?
X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

mine is a white x1. cutest of the x family. :) yes, east end gal.
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Meek;892022 said:
yeay!!! white!
park it next to mine so i can take pix. wud be brilliant if we can find an x3 too. :)

X3 is gr8golf88, not sure sold already anot......

X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

BMWX5;892042 said:
wah must be cute loh hee ok ok got to meet up soon then

no no no... the one that is cute is the my melody fan, snowmanyee. he no change underwear and changed car again. cheekopek! haha.
Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Re: X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

Meek;892046 said:
no no no... the one that is cute is the my melody fan, snowmanyee. he no change underwear and changed car again. cheekopek! haha.

Meek;892241 said:

No choice. My sdrive1.8 cant catch up with all your turbo sdrive2.0. Only smell all your smoke... so must get something at least comparable lah.
X-Men Meetup, 6 Sept 2012, 8.30pm

hehe...so many excuses. faster change underwear!

yeah, change liao we can yum char. was at fp Xtra changi last night. quiet. lots of free parking. nice for meetup. they opening some cafes there on the ground floor.

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