[you], what profession are you in?

[you], what profession are you in?

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Re: [you], what profession are you in?

i'm part time GIGOLOOOO......HO...HO......
in full time i 'm deal with marine line....
Re: John136888, what profession are you in?

I am a transformer.
When customer complaint, I become a manager negotiate with them.
When m/c breakdown, I become an engineer struggling to fix the untame metal.
When the office computer/ network not functioning, I have to be the IT expert.
When my clerk sick, I have to be the OL.
When the company not earning enough $$, I have to be the sales man.
Re: saharalah, what profession are you in?

saharalah;490109 said:
i am in the semiconductor industry

haha, used to be in this industry for abt 9 yrs. Finally got out of it:shakemyb:

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