[you], what profession are you in?

[you], what profession are you in?

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  • Professional Healthcare (Doctor, Vet..Optician..etc)

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Re: [you], what profession are you in?

Real Estate...Corporate Leasing...dealing with expats.
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

doctor here. very tiring job..
Re: benlim, what profession are you in?

Real Estate........D15/16.........
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

i feel sorry for Mazzy Man.
I'm in manufacturing, we make CD and DVD discs.
Mazzy, i had bad experience with real estate agents, i think its because i'm ang mo. So be nice to the expats, i know most are a**holes, but some of us are cool.
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

Well, I am in the uninterruptible power business or no-break power. Engineer by training and like lennon, work hard, no money....
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

yah, hahah, same as me
when i see no space for, professional stuntman, playboy, breast inspector and all aorund nice guy, I had to choose something else.
Re: elmariachi, what profession are you in?

Abit OT..but do you think Simon Rock will post in this thread? Just wondering... IF he does, he better give me a huge discount on the next BMW. :lol2:
Re: Ahbengdriver, what profession are you in?

How come no category for "illegal activities/Loan Shark"? Alamak lidat how to vote
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

I'm also under ""None of the ones above! (others..)""
Re: elmariachi, what profession are you in?

Batam Man;186066 said:
I'm also under ""None of the ones above! (others..)""

HAhahaha...actually when i saw your nick, i already thought so. :lol2:

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