[you], what profession are you in?

[you], what profession are you in?

  • Arts/Entertainment/Publishing

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  • Engineering/Architecture

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  • Hospitality/Travel

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  • Human Resources

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  • Professional Healthcare (Doctor, Vet..Optician..etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Legal (Law)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Management Consulting

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  • Manufacturing/Operations

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  • Pharmaceutical/Biotech

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  • Telecommunications

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  • Transportation/Logistics

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  • Information Technology / Computers

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  • Still in Tertiary Education (Poly, Uni)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Still in National Service (NSF)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Event / Conference Organizer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: [you], what profession are you in?

I am in the IT business specialising in document flow, anything and everything that do with the document flow. I drive a 523i. Simply love the bimmer.
Re: sugarloaf, what profession are you in?


trying to make work out of engineering, deesign and consultancy..
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

Hi Ryan

I am in the car rental trade. like to join in for the monthly meet up . Do i need to register for the meet up ?
Re: Riverboy, what profession are you in?

Finance leh... one of most jia-lat profession in this global financial crisis
Re: patan, what profession are you in?

Unsed to be in Accounting, but later switched to General Insurance, which by the way includes car insurance too.
Re: [you], what profession are you in?

i run a small foot massage shop....at tampinese 505..do come and support

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