

where do u go for the z-stab, feel like trying it as feedback seems quite good

another question, all beamers battery are behind in the truck right, if that is the case, how do we do grounding, is there specialized brand that we use for earthing as i know we use the battery earthing to connect to some other parts of the engine right?

spyder766 said:

where do u go for the z-stab, feel like trying it as feedback seems quite good

another question, all beamers battery are behind in the truck right, if that is the case, how do we do grounding, is there specialized brand that we use for earthing as i know we use the battery earthing to connect to some other parts of the engine right?

ok, u can call this guy name Joey Chua 91099556. i have not done earthing. according to Joey, he said that there is no need for earthing anymore cos z-stab have done the job already. maybe u wanna call him to check it out. next installation date should be next weekend
Re: z-stab


My z-stab works great. All the benefits i mention in my previous posts. a friend just installed one in his lagacy GT latest model and found noticable difference too. for me, the better idle, voltage stability, engine smoothness and quietness made it a good mod.
Re: z-stab

vedry good!

even my wife can feel the power increase.. :D
Re: z-stab

going down to punggol tmr to try out z-stab for myself ... but it seems pretty ex for a valvetronic e46 ... was told by joey that it would be around $250 ... but must try for myself to see if its really worth it ... will update you guys on how it runs on my ride ... e46 fl 318ci
Re: z-stab

Whats the difference between the Z-stab and a Pivot??
Sorry for my ignorance...
Re: z-stab

ok here's a quick review of z-stab for my car ... 2004 318ci

price : $250

what i can immediately feel was that the car was more responsive. shifting was very smooth, either in steptronic or auto mode ... i used to feel a slight jerkback when revving too hard and shifting but now i can kickdown the engine up to 100km/h and when i take my foot off the gas, the car doesnt surge forward with the jerk feeling ... over all i would say its a pretty good mod ... very smooth ... only problem is the price ... and the price is set to go up as they are now only distributing to retailers ... joey will no longer be installing this product after dis wk ... but overall im satisfied .. i will monitor fuel consumption and update you guys again ...
Re: z-stab

Wow!! Now $250 liao ah!!!

Got mine from them at only $50......but mine was the black ugly plastic box with 2 blinking LEDs....

They upgraded the casing??

Any pics to share??


'The Great White'
Re: z-stab

Same here, I paid $75 I think. Black Box 2 blinking LEDS.
Re: z-stab

now is a neatly done up red box .. quite big .. with 2 blinking red and blue leds on the top .. ill take a pic or two this weekend and post it up ..

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