Z4 Meetup

Re: Z4 Meetup

Sorry guys, but I might not be able to make it due to some issues that have just cropped up that need attending to this afternoon. I will try to swing by if I can but if so, I will probably be late, so don't wait for me.
Re: Z4 Meetup

Here are some lousy camera phone pics..but..ah small meetup.
Re: Z4 Meetup


xkrim still has his Z4?
whose Z4 is that with the black rims..waaa..fierce!
Re: Z4 Meetup

sighz...reached there at 6.15pm...not a single Z4/Z3 was seen...why u all always meet so early leave so early one... Meetups must be at least 4 hrs mah...then can bond and share and become friends, not aquintences...hehe
Re: Z4 Meetup

sorry we left about 6:15pm
Re: Z4 Meetup

lol..so sway..haha reach there,they leave there..but should be able to meet each other what..marina south carpark exit and entrance only 1 way..
Re: Z4 Meetup

Fabian, Do join us the next time round.the grp is small so heehee can start from 1630 to 1800 is quite long loh.

Black rim Z4 Owner.... our photographer of the day.....

Oh yes.... nice mtg to all that attended.
Re: Z4 Meetup

its ok la :) there will alwayz be another meetup. lets make it later next time ya? i believe many ppl work on sundays just like me... anywayz, any Z4 owners wanna do a drive up north holiday?
Re: Z4 Meetup


Was damn busy last fri/sat and I have just now realised there was a meet! And I was near Marina! Grrr...

Anyway, catcha guys next time....
Re: Z4 Meetup

anybody know where i can download the PDF of the Z4 SMG manual?
Re: Z4 Meetup

wow..that's Ryan's new rims? from barry's car? damn..very nice Ryan! fierce!
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